I just bought a toyhauler but it wasn't set up to strap down 2 bikes. I need to install more tiedown points and wheel chocks and I want it to look clean when the wheel chocks are removed. Maybe threaded inserts for the wheel chocks instead of just wood screws.? http://www.lakesidebilliardsupply.com/threadedtnuts.jpg
And can any one weigh in on E-track? http://www.ericksonmfg.com/products/oTrackeTrackAnchors/eTrack.html
As a alternative to more Drings? http://www.amazon.com/Heavy-Cargo-Trailer-D-Rings-Haulers/dp/B0043000G2
And can any one weigh in on E-track? http://www.ericksonmfg.com/products/oTrackeTrackAnchors/eTrack.html
As a alternative to more Drings? http://www.amazon.com/Heavy-Cargo-Trailer-D-Rings-Haulers/dp/B0043000G2