Questions/statements from a prospective ebay bidder.

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Rollie, that's awesome. I've heard "you can't argue with an idiot" before, but never "He'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience". :rofl_200: I'm stealing it :punk:

I didn't think it up , I just borrowed it to pass on.
The VMax the "dweeb" bought is probably not red.:confused2:
Everyone knows red Vmaxs are faster.:punk:

Sounds like a scammer to me, or some kid playing games.

Jester 42
Just let him buy it... Paypal will deposit the money... Be true to him. Its your duty as seller unless you decide not to sell it you cannot prevent someone from buying unless you are selling locally and sold in fact, i think that goes against ebay rules.

And you guys don't start spreading prejudice... NOT ALL "ENGLISH IS MY SECOND LANGUAGE" ARE SCAMMERS...
True, but it's usually pretty easy to tell if someone just isn't good with english and is interested in buying, and the typical "nigerian scammer".

I sell a lot of watersports equipment through ebay for work. Most of it is not sold outside north america, so I get a LOT of international buyers since ebay is really the only way they can get this stuff. Most of the time it's sub-$100 items which doesn't attract scammers, and I've had dozens of no-hassle transactions with people who send me oddly worded messages. I'm sure if I send a message in spanish I could "get the point across", but someone who was fluent would definitely tell it was from a "second language" speaker.

However I have listed a few boats, and it seems without fail I get at least one bidder trying to scam. They almost always have low or zero feedback accounts, and always ask some totally stupid question about the item i.e "what color is it" when there's 20 pictures of it. Usually I just disregard such emails, but one time I "engaged" them I got a similar "argument with a fool".

I love it when people think their superb google-using ability trumps the fact that you actually own something and have years of experience with it. Nope, google turned up some site where someone posted a comment saying the vmax has 100hp, which these dolts instantly take as 100% holy gospel, never once considering the fact that anybody can post anything on the internet.
some euro versions had as low as 90 or 100hp, french if i'm correct, that's the reason for paraller imports over here.
but all US and Canada were full power ones i believe.

Yup! French, Japanese and alot of UK models are restricted to 95bhp

I was caught out when I bought mine and can see where he is coming from, if I was buying off eBay I'd ask the same questions (although I now know what to look/ask for)
It cost me alot to put it right and release the full power of the Vmax
Assuming this is all happening in the US, then the guy is still being a *&**wad.

I don't think there has ever been a case of the SissyMax being commercially imported to the US.
Perhaps in the case of an individual moving here, but even then who imports a cheap motorcycle, the expense outweighs the worth:ummm:
The only "sissymax" bikes around here are the ones that someone swapped a Venture motor into. Every so often one turns up. Which means there's a Venture floating around somewhere with a Vmax motor in it....make a good sleeper. Or someone mistakenly thought the 1300cc V4 would be even stronger than the Max's, what a disappointment that would turn out to be.

Vehicles rarely ever cross the drink...too expensive. European bikes stay there, NA-spec bikes stay here.