Unless you drive regulalry through swarms of locusts, is it a problem? My experience is the bugs get cooked until cripsy and then disintergrate into pieces.
If you were to put the bike into a concourse event, then a brush to shift them from the front and then compressed air from the rear (not easily accessible?) to blow out the remnants wouuld give you a better chance of winning a prize.
vacuum the front with a cup brush
Spray both sides with little bit watery soap, then rinse with high pressure water. From suction side (fan side) to the outside until the soap is gone.
Pay attention. Spray straight and use a wide water jet otherwise you will damage the finning and not too high water pressure.
We have lots of bugs here in MN in the summer, especially near the lakes and swampy areas.
1) Foam it with a car foamer if you have one or bug and tar remover from the auto parts store to soften them up.
2) Use a soft bristle brush to remove what you can mechanically.
3) I use a pressure washer and have never had any problems with fins. Just approach from a distance with a wide angle tip and use only what you need for velocity to get them off and no more. After softening them up it's easy. You might have a few clingers that need a little more effort.