Whoa, Nellie Belle! All I said is that the media weather report locally only said that it happened in
Miami on that day I cited. And, that was the only episode of snow on-record, there.
If you saw snow in Ft. Lauderdale then, I have no reason to doubt your empirical evidence, i.e., "I saw it, there and then." It's reached freezing temperatures in Ft. Lauderdale multiple times as recorded by local news outlets, and one of those times was Jan. 22, 1985, 29 degrees F.
Speaking of rare FL weather events, I was on a college campus here in Broward County FL (Ft. Lauderdale metro area for you out of towners) when a tornado came through the campus. I was in a building closest to where the tornado crossed the campus. There was a short power outage, and a tremendous roar like being next to an airliner spooled-up for take-off, all of which lasted for about 15-20 seconds, and you could feel the wind current against the building though the building missed the cone. The tornado's path crossed the campus, uprooting trees, and where it crossed the parking lot of the building I was in, cars and trucks were piled up like the kid's game, 'pick-up sticks.' A Ford F150 was on its side, and carried out of the parking lot and dumped on the lawn outside of it, with a wheel/tire ripped-off. My truck was a couple of rows from that, where the cone passed. Fortunately, I avoided any damage. Just before it crossed the arterial road the campus was on, the tornado ripped the roof off a condo recreation building a couple hundred yards from our building where I was teaching. It happened Jan. 27, 2016.