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Cop Runner, I did get it... and there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with that
The neatest thing about being single is....you have the chance to fall in love again.
Loving in love is a crazy feeling...intense!
My ole' man use to say, "just make sure their pretty".."that way, their easy to get rid of"!
This September my parents celebrated their 58th anniversary...go figure.
THATS F'ING GREAT ! "LOL""LOL":rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
The neatest thing about being single is....you have the chance to fall in love again.
Loving in love is a crazy feeling...intense!
My ole' man use to say, "just make sure their pretty".."that way, their easy to get rid of"!
This September my parents celebrated their 58th anniversary...go figure.
Most pretty women are dumb, as I've said before... and pretty women arent necessarily easy easy to break up with unless you have something on the side

I dont know about the rest of you, but I have a difficult time being alone, messes with your head, screws with your heart
You have to like yourself....you have to like you!
I need my space, even in a relationship....I need me time.
My life is full, although maybe not complete by some standards.
I have great friends and a great family....I feel loved!
It's all in your perspective.
Shoulders back...chin up, because today is the first day of the rest of your life.
We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
Liking yourself is even harder than having people like you... I dont have great friends nor do I have good friends people in my opinion are a waste of time if they're dumb... I live in chicago, I meet A smart person maybe once a month, but that doesnt mean I like/enjoy their personality....

For the first time in years, I have talked to almost my entire family 3/4 people (good ratio for me) there was a year almost 2 where I didnt talk to anyone due to stupidity, I have no patience for it.

But on a side note, I am usually the center of attention and people love to talk to me, I just dont see a point to it since people let you down... (no I'm not emo)
I live outside a small town (70,000), I don't care for big cities.
It's not like I meet anybody new, so to speak being born and raised here.
Happiness isn't the destination, it's the journey.
You have to give, to get!
The next time you need to make yourself fell better, do something for somebody else.
....works every time!
The next time you need to make yourself fell better, do something for somebody else.
....works every time!
I dont believe that, I help people "just because" if I see someone struggeling or just overall need general help and I can assist I will.... just a matter of it not doing anything.... nor am I looking to get anything out of it, but just... meh
Some women don't have enough confidence in themselves to speak the truth. They just take behaviors that they would prefer to live w/o. Then, when they are totally over the "behavior" they snap and BOOM, you didn't see it coming 'cause ya got no warning, or the warning was meak and you chose to ignore it.
see, thats the problem, when people dont speak up they... how to put it... DONT SPEAK UP and we dont know that there is a problem...
I come from a place where, if there is a funeral procession driving to the grave yard, everybody stops.
I mean the traffic, the construction workers and pedestrians...even the cops.
They remove their hats to pay respect, regardless!
I guess if you don't care about each other, it doesn't matter.
It can be as simple as making someone smile by saying "mornin" or holding a door.
Volunteering is a great way to give without expecting a material return.
But, thats' up to you....the immortal words of Lennon and McCartney,
"And, in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make."
It's a classic and it is the truth!
Yea, thats one of the good parts about small cities/villages, people know each other, enjoy each others company and people that care.

See... I dont mind lending a hand, helping a neighbor, the problem is, when you need a hand or someone to talk to, no one is there thats not looking to get something out of it
Yea, I know what you mean, but if you look at the rate we're going, by the time I'm an old man no onw will help me... I still help people regardless to knowing that

Ok, change of topic, back to relationships
Well, here's one of the crazy ******* speaking up...

Some of ya'll have been either hurt way bad or hit on the head or just not raised well, the way you talk about women. If I didn't hear that crap all the time every day, I'd be hurt. But coming from some of ya'll who have communicated with me before, I am a little surprised at you...I didn't know you thought so poorly of me 'cause I have indoor plumbing.

When folks first meet me, they think I am aggressive and domineering and angry. I try very hard not to come across that way but folks don't know what to think about a strong, confident woman who doesn't give a rat's ass about what shoes are on sale this week and has more than one torque wrench in the garage. So they think I'm a bitch.
When they get to know me they see someone willing to help in bad times, fiercely loyal to friends, and generous with both time and resources.

This certainly extends to my marriage, which is only nine years old but very strong. And be it known that I am not in charge of our marriage, even though I am in charge of most of the day-to-day activities and the household, just because I'm better at it. Hell it's not a marriage if we both aren't moving through life as one creature. And it's WORK.

Everyday, no matter how we feel, even if we feel like we don't like each other, if I feel like I want to be single again, if he sees I'm not in my 20's anymore and the cutie at the bar is flirting...no matter how we feel, we know feelings come and go. What stays is the committment. Feelings change quickly, but knowledge is permanent. And we know we are committed to the marriage even if we temporarily don't feel committed to each other. Love is not just a feeling, it's an action that you have to practice all the time to stay good at it. Even if you don't feel like it.
Ignore taking action to maintain a marriage and watch it wilt. Let it wilt and flounder for very long and permanent damage will be done.

Even if I really just want to be left alone, or if I'm preoccupied with work, or PMS-ing (God knows I try not to but I'm a real ******* some days), I MUST put myself aside and take care of US. Not all day, not every minute, I have a life of my own and so does he, but WE are more important than me or him alone. Why? Because we promised.

The action of care-taking differs from couple to couple. In this house, it means I get up wtih him at 4 am, no matter what, and put together the best lunch I can for him to take to work. It means he never has to clean the cat litter box. And it means I never have to clean the shower drain. It means that he can't let his inner jerk out whenever he feels like it and it means I have to hold my tongue even if he does, to contain the damage.

We fought so much and said such horrible things to each other in the first couple years and again when we were both out of work last year, I'm surprised we made it. We weren't trying hard enough and we're still working through the damage we did to our marriage. Damn it's hard work, every day.

Don't even get me started with the mental discipline we both excercise regarding fidelity. Most every relationship faces that temptation, but if you're ready for it before it comes, failure to stay true just isn't an option.

Yeah, some of ya'll going on about staying single, you have a good point. Some of you should. But CR, there's so many aspects as to why this trouble came to be...was it her, was it you, did some things go undone, did a promise go unfulfilled, was somebody wearing blinders, and what didn't they see? Probably a lot of different things all at once.

There's wisdom been said here and I'm listening too. You really do gotta be at peace with yourself before you can be a part of a fulfilling relationship. There's no such thing as "we complete each other," you both better damn sight be standing up tall on your own before you become mates and put your lives in each others' hands.

CR it's easy to generalize about the problems and about the gender, but if you accept the challenge of looking at every complex facet of the problem that you can wrap your head around, and if she can do the same, while you both leave your feelings and emotions at the door, maybe you can see your way into the clear again.
MAJOR TRICK!!.....I think I got one....:confused2:


The goal for me was to find one that didn't make me feel like I had to WORK to be in the relationship. We just ARE... She's easy going and I am not she's messy and I am not, she's very loving and caring and so am I. We have different hobbies which is nice as well. She likes being on the bike. I think the key for me was finding one that was just happy being with me. I treat her like a woman, I joke with her and she shoots them right back. When it comes down to it I know I can live without her but I DON'T ever want to. She completes me.

A "joke" :confused2: I like...

1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a nonverbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6. That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome.

8. Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!

9. Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the woman's response refer to #3.
i had some words of wisdom..didnt go threw..o well it will never be known
Was maried once, the end was like a fullscale nuclear war. No kidding, it was bad and there was no reason for it whatsoever. I instigated none of this behavior. I tried hard to figure it all out, to no avail. Then I got a hold of myself and realized she was ******* nuts. Full on ****y hatch crazy. Seriously wacked. Once the paperwork was signed life got great. Had some great relationships since, but can't comment on mariage in general cause I lack the credentials
If you think for a second there is a chance for it to work out after all of the drama, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.

I'm just sayin'..........ymmv