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I was in the Orlando area ( Disney parks ) and took a side trip to St Auistine to see a relative of my wife. Lots of terrible drivers, saw numerous "close " lane changes. Driving way to slow in #1 lane and way to fast in others.
But in defense on the rest of the states----- have seen lots of poor driving skills in all states--- I'm sure you all have too:damn angry:

Dang Kyle, your story gave me the shivers and wasn't even there! I have relied on the knowledge that I'm faster than 99% of everything else on the road. The times I have run into poor or aggressive cagers, I just nail it. Ohio State Patrol popped me once when I did that and got ticketed. It was better than taking a spill or worse. I don't carry a firearm but a small cloth bag tied to the handle bar with ball bearings sized to make a Rottweiler blush are usually there. You don't throw them at the car , you throw them up and beside or behind you. The cloth disinegrates instantly and you get a radiator or windshield, hopefully both. There is a drawback or two one being it is indescriminate pattern and can take out unintended nearby targets. The other is losing a windshield at highway speed is not pleasant and can lead to collateral accidents with innocent people. Just like thinking before you shoot, you must have situational awareness, know your backdrop and better be damn sure of yourself and your actions. Like Kyle, I have a strong sense of self preservation and just like a cop is trained to win EVERY life or death encounter. I think one knows when they sense they are in TRUE fear of their life and the adrenals go into hyper drive. Controlling that natural response can be trained but not all can learn it.
My vote for worst driving is I-4 from Tampa to east side of Orlando. Everybody stay safe!
I started carrying size D batteries after I had a couple ******** cut me off the road one time in perticular I was making a right turn and had my signal on and stated leaning to turn and sure enough some ignorant rich bitch in a beemer passed me on the right so close she actually hit my handlebars with her mirror. I was sooo pissed I flew up beside her and stood on the seat with my left foot as I was trying to kick her in the face with my right foot. After that I always had 2 size D battery's in case some other ******* pulled a jagoff stunt again. Glad your all ok. Ed✨
Just glad you all are ok.Im carrying old spark plugs.What the hell do people think it's ok to kill.
Just glad you all are ok.Im carrying old spark plugs.What the hell do people think it's ok to kill.

No, they feel no need to pay attention on the road.

Unfortunately I know a few people like this, who genuinely have the attitude that "the other guy will get out of my way" as an excuse for their ****** driving. "I can't be bothered to pay attention, so I hope people around me do"

****** drivers come in all sorts of cars also. Yobbos in bimmers and Mercs tend to get the rap, and often rightfully so, but I've seen horrendous driving by the little chinese lady in the Civic, the suburban soccer mom in a minivan, pirates on HDs, squids on 600's, on and on. Bad driving knows no class or race.
I lived in chicago and now here in AZ and in both states I am able to carry a fireman legally. Only had to use it one time when a cager in chicago decided to try to run me off the road and kept trying for some reason. I had pulled out my gun and shot at the car with several rounds. The cager definatley got the message and fled very quickly the other way. :th_biggun: If its me or them I am definatley gonna try to come out on top!

Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6! I'll bet that A hole thought twice about doing that again. Emotions get transferred to the steering wheel for some reason. The guy almost REALLY had a bad I'm glad it worked out the way it did. I can hear it now "I was just driving down the road and a crazy biker started shooting at me"
I don't believe in Defensive Driving. Defensive means you're countering the other guy/gal's move. I'm an Offensive Driver. I look for situations before they happen and scoot like hell to avoid them. IMHO you NEED to make the first move every time.

I will not say whether or not I carry a firearm, but I will say $25 and a clean criminal history will buy you the right to carry one concealed here in PA. I don't think I would ever use it (if I have one) on the road though. PA drivers rarely purposefully try to murder motorcyclists.
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If I'm ever on a jury where a biker reacts violently to a situation like that, I'll hang that jury till they vote in favor of the biker just so they can go home.
I don't believe in Defensive Driving. Defensive means you're countering the other guy/gal's move. I'm an Offensive Driver. I look for situations before they happen and scoot like hell to avoid them. IMHO you NEED to make the first move every time.

I will not say whether or not I carry a firearm, but I will say $25 and a clean criminal history will buy you the right to carry one concealed here in PA. I don't think I would ever use it (if I have one) on the road though. PA drivers rarely purposefully try to murder motorcyclists.

Ask Mark frorm Lakeville about that one. You did say rarely though. Still, once is too many.

Kyle, You're supposed to be on a cruise.....???
See the post about my new bike???
They do have bandwidth for the internet on cruise ships, but I bet they charge heavily for it. Maybe he decided not to go when he saw the bad Atlantic weather?

Yeah, I like the seating on the biuke you bought, this past yr. @ Daytona it was the only Yamaha standard or sport bike I liked for its seating, 800 cc+. Everything else was too-tall or too extreme. Maybe I'm shrinking as I get older.

I can just see what happens when someone goes before a jury after some idiot in a 3-tom SUV tries intentionally to hurt a biker w/o any video: "why, he's practically a "Hell's Angel!" He rides a motorcycle! And he carried a gun!"

I wonder whatever happened to the 2 sportbike guys in the country who were chased by the redneck in a p-u truck w/an ATC in the back? That video should have been enough to get that kid arrested.

These days, the best thing to do is avoid the confrontation. If it means delaying your trip to get away from someone, better to do that than the legal time & $$$ which would result from discharge of a firearm. I hope no one here has to face the experience of shooting someone because of a traffic altercation or worse.
I am in the Bahamas they have wife here and I have international calling on my phone so I can talk with my customers in australia

For a minute there I was thinking "****! The wife of the ******* who tried to kill kyle is in the bahamas, too. This should be great!" Then I realized kyle meant "wifi". Hahahahahahaha

regards from my tapatalking android...
i don't believe in defensive driving. Defensive means you're countering the other guy/gal's move. I'm an offensive driver. I look for situations before they happen and scoot like hell to avoid them. Imho you need to make the first move every time.

i will not say whether or not i carry a firearm, but i will say $25 and a clean criminal history will buy you the right to carry one concealed here in pa. I don't think i would ever use it (if i have one) on the road though. Pa drivers rarely purposefully try to murder motorcyclists.

same here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm an *******, even my wife says so... Very offensive driver / Rider...:rofl_200:
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My R100RT in white and red moved over people when they checked their rear view mirrors.

That was a good move by the cop.

Recently a City of Miami marked squad car was pulled over in another county for doing up to 120 mph. Bad move doing 120 on your way to your off-duty job.

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