Ride to Hell!!

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I'm in for going to hell. I'm new to the forum and the max. Just bought my first max about a month ago and am looking forward to going on a ride and meeting some other maxers.
I'm in for going to hell. I'm new to the forum and the max. Just bought my first max about a month ago and am looking forward to going on a ride and meeting some other maxers.
Welcome Lee, you found the right place. I ride the west side (Muskegon) I'm always up for a ride, Tom (Beekeeper) said he rode with you a little. If you want to ride some lakeshore hit me up, I got some good routes that don't take to long. I just rode with Tom and a couple other Vmaxers last weekend....
Leecifer hook up with 2fear and Beekeeper thay are from your area. You can ride to charlotte with them. Charlotte is the meeting point to start the ride. From there i will help you find your way back to hell.
How about the Muskegon/Grand Rapids riders meet at the Lowell exit on eastbound 96 at 7:30am, that way we can fuel stop in Portland and get to Charlotte by 9am, I'll be leaving my house at 7:00 so if you want to Lee, you can either meet over here or hook up at the exit which I believe is #52...............................Tom.
My count is seven. We need more. Chuck are you going. You got me at the top end lets try it out of the hole. Slobman sounds like he wants to do it from a dig. How about you run slobman and i will run the faster bike. **** we need to do something with beekeeper if he reads this and we dont count him in he will drive his wife crazy. I bet he parks his bike on the center stand and set the throttle at 65mph. His cover is cut to fit so it dont get cought in the tire. I here he has a fuel tank set up in his garage so the bike dont run out and stall. Well If magna dude shows up race ready he can run Tom. And who ever come's out on top out of the three of us. Who else wants to drag race.
Hey Mike...............Your mom called........She wants her V-Max back........She's afraid your just embarrasing your self on it!.....................:rofl_200:......................Tom.
:rip:Hey Tom the junk yard called and said to tell you that scrap is up and that it would be a good time to get all the value you can out of your heep. At least its a vmax. You got that going for you. If you do find away around me try not to harm my mint condition bike with the srap falling off your heep.
If the weather is good I plan on going, but I won't be at the Lowell exit at 0730 way to early for me this time. I plan on riding to Hell and meeting up for lunch, I'm hoping the Canada Vmaxers make this ride as planned earlier so I can finally meet you guys. So post up a time and place for lunch so I can make my riding plans/departure time. If there is a ride after lunch and time permits for me I might join that ride, It's about a 3 hour ride one way for me to Hell so that's plenty of riding for me. As far as road rage racing goes that's not in my plans this time, so you can count me out on that one.
Thats cool 2fear. Its all smack talk and I like the idea of a nice calm ride. If you meet us in Charlotte its only a little longer of a ride for you and thats so we can eat at zukie lake taveren. If everyone wants to skip zukie lake and eat in hell im ok with that. I had my first meal at zukie lake when i was 12yrs old. Nothing new to me. Most people that go to hell for a ride go to zukie lake to eat. Its a biker thing. like i told tom i dont even like to lead.
but i want to ride with all of you so if you need me to lead i will. But do what 2fear has done. post what you are looking for in a ride. I like to go fast but im more of a 2nd 3rd gear feel the hp in short burst kind of a rider. Chuck if we take the route that i have set up its about a 109 mile from carlotte to lakeland and back to onondaga. All two lane for the most part. if we skip zukie lake its save's about 20 miles. Doing the route that i have set up we should be in onondaga by 4pm. Its a 2 hour and 15 min ride from onondaga to muskegon. I think we can make onondaga by 3:30 but im allowing extra time. If we all fuel togather it will help keep the ride rolling. Thanks. MIKE
Hey Chuck,
I'm with you on the whole morning thing, too early and too cold. I hope the weather is good so we can all hook up one more time. Ride safe everyone and hope to see you all soon.
So what should we do. How many people are meeting in charlotte. Should we all meet in hell. Sarchin and i are meeting in adrian mi and it is out of our way to go to charlotte and thats why we need to get a 7am start. What time should we meet and what town works for everyone or do you just want to meet in hell and do some riding around hell pinckney area. When i get a kitchen pass to ride im willing to ride from 5am to 11pm. so you all need to tell me what you want. Or maybe one of you can put something togather and me and serchin will meet up with you. I just want to meet up with all you guy's and have a fun ride.
So what should we do. How many people are meeting in charlotte. Should we all meet in hell. Sarchin and i are meeting in adrian mi and it is out of our way to go to charlotte and thats why we need to get a 7am start. What time should we meet and what town works for everyone or do you just want to meet in hell and do some riding around hell pinckney area. When i get a kitchen pass to ride im willing to ride from 5am to 11pm. so you all need to tell me what you want. Or maybe one of you can put something togather and me and serchin will meet up with you. I just want to meet up with all you guy's and have a fun ride.

I'm riding from grandrapids. I would like to meet with the guys from that area some where and then to charlotte. I'm willing to meet at any time. If the bee keeper is heading this up he's gone till monday. Are the lansing guys going to meet us in charlotte?
If the weather is good I plan on going, but I won't be at the Lowell exit at 0730 way to early for me this time. I plan on riding to Hell and meeting up for lunch, I'm hoping the Canada Vmaxers make this ride as planned earlier so I can finally meet you guys. So post up a time and place for lunch so I can make my riding plans/departure time. If there is a ride after lunch and time permits for me I might join that ride, It's about a 3 hour ride one way for me to Hell so that's plenty of riding for me. As far as road rage racing goes that's not in my plans this time, so you can count me out on that one.

My plans are similar to what Chuck has posted. I've got a 2 hr ride down from Midland for this "Ride to Hell" event and would like to meet up at the lunch stop or some place earlier ... but not at 7 am ! Could someone post the planned agenda for the day ?
The extended forecast shows a sunny day with 10% chance of precip and highs in the mid- 60s ... a FANTASTIC Michigan day ! Hoping we can get a few of the Canadian V-Maxers to join us for the day too !
Come on V-Maxers ... here's your chance to ride to Hell :punk:
So what should we do. How many people are meeting in charlotte. Should we all meet in hell. Sarchin and i are meeting in adrian mi and it is out of our way to go to charlotte and thats why we need to get a 7am start. What time should we meet and what town works for everyone or do you just want to meet in hell and do some riding around hell pinckney area. When i get a kitchen pass to ride im willing to ride from 5am to 11pm. so you all need to tell me what you want. Or maybe one of you can put something togather and me and serchin will meet up with you. I just want to meet up with all you guy's and have a fun ride.
Speaking for me only, if you can pin point a time when the group will be in Hell I will try to meet you guy's there for coffee, lunch, or what ever. By all means Mike plan your group ride, those that don't join in will meet up in Hell at a time you plan on being there. I'm just not going to head out at 0630 but I'm in for some riding after we meet up if time permits for me, if not, I will eat, have a drink, meet some new peeps, talk Vmax and head back, sound good?
Pm me if you are going to be in charlotte at 9am. I dont want to drive to charlotte unless its worth it. We planed on going to lunch in lakeland mi at zukie lake taveren at around 11:30am. But if more people want to meet in hell thats ok with me. If we meet in hell tell me what time to meet you and serchin and me will show up.
I will ride out to hell with you guys. Just let me know what time you will be passing through Jackson and we will set up a good meeting time/place.
If we go to charlotte we will be in jackson at 7:45 am.

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