Ridinr goals for 2010.

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i'm hoping to do 7 states in 7 hours one weekend. NY, VT, NH, ME, MA, RI, CT

thinking about asking if its a guiness record

Garrett we can always make it a record, almost like a cannonball run!!!!:punk: mm whos in, if not for a record but for the hell of it. I'll call Danny about 5 min before start time :rofl_200:
To put more than 300 miles on mine... May not happen if the wife is pregnant. I lost my riding buddy to TN so now I have to solo it again... Ugh...


Ill second that. My wife is pregnant with our second. So my riding plans for this year are to get more miles on the bike than just back and forth to work and keep the rubber side down.
Yeah I ONLY ride as a hobby and have only ridden to work once YEARS ago... Didn't like it as I like to be comfy that early in the morning. lol

If she's prego I may just leave it in storage with the other bike.

They stay looking like new that way... lol

I'm going to ride as much as I can fit in. Going to take her to Anchorage and possibly a few other cities.

I don't mind taking it to work or school, the only downside is that I don't want to stop once I get there.:bang head:
I'm going to ride as much as I can fit in. Going to take her to Anchorage and possibly a few other cities.

I don't mind taking it to work or school, the only downside is that I don't want to stop once I get there.:bang head:
how about your trip over to whitehorse this summer?
how about your trip over to whitehorse this summer?

I'm still thinking about it, I have to get my passport application sent off.
Also the money situation. I'm going to look for two jobs, one as a CNA and the other a phlebotomist or what ever I can get.

That way I can stockpile money so I can take the school year off again to concentrate on school, like I'm doing now.

I bought a small screen printing outfit a 3 screen unit, and will be using my graphic arts and drafting expirence in a part time business, putting out some limited Vmax t-shirts in the next few weeks.

By this weekend I'll have a few designs done, featuring both gen I and II designs.
Yeah I ONLY ride as a hobby and have only ridden to work once YEARS ago... Didn't like it as I like to be comfy that early in the morning. lol

If she's prego I may just leave it in storage with the other bike.

They stay looking like new that way... lol

I smell a garage queen in the making.:biglaugh:
TEN"S:rocket bike: Im gonna get her into the tens ,dont care if its a 10.99 Im gonna run in the tens:th_image003: