RIP Hannah Johnson

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Spacecoast, FL
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Very little info about the perpetrator. Why do I get the feeling he's a local and the family isn't. What a horrible tragedy to befall a colleague.
Very little info about the perpetrator. Why do I get the feeling he's a local and the family isn't. What a horrible tragedy to befall a colleague.

In another article, it was revealed that the perpetrator is indeed a local Georgia boy. He is a 16 or 17 year-old who was driving a 2011 Dodge Ram while under the influence. And yes the family was "out-of-town" vacationers from Florida at the time of the incident.

regards from my tapatalking android...
Oh hell NO!!! Oh man... What a tragedy... Makes me want to go home and hold my son tight.

WOW! Just wow...

If there's a benefit to help them PLEASE post it up!

What a terrible tragedy!! My prayers go out to the family. They really need to raise the driving age to at LEAST 18 if not 21. It would save ALOT of lives and take these immature idiots off the road!! I just don't think giving a kid who's still wet behind the ears a 4000 lb weapon and setting him ( or her) loose. Especially when We're out here trying to cope with the other idiots in cages trying to kill us while their on the ******* cellphone!!!
This is just devastating! I have two young children, boy 6, girl 4, and I couldnt even think of such a tragedy of such happening. I pray for the family for their losses and recuperating on this long journey ahead of them.
Very little info about the perpetrator. Why do I get the feeling he's a local and the family isn't. What a horrible tragedy to befall a colleague.

I've updated post #1 with a link to a news article that describes the incident with a few more details.
I've seen a lot of death and destruction in my life but this brought tears to my eyes. That doesn't happen often. My prayers will go out to the family. So senseless, so sad...:sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2:
...If there's a benefit to help them PLEASE post it up!

Tragic , please post info for donations to the family when known.

Wow, I am always stunned with the level of humanitarianism we Americans possess. I mean, y'all don't know this family from Adam, yet you don't hesitate to offer a helping hand. According to my Franco-American wife, this type of straightforward generosity doesn't exist outside the borders and explains why the US are always the quickest to raise significant amounts of disaster relief. This makes me so proud to be American.

Anyways there apparently is more than one way to donate to my colleague's relief:

  1. David has informed us that his family prefers a donation to the Ronald McDonald House in honor of Hannah Renee Consorcia Johnson.
  2. The family's close friends and family have setup a CaringBridge page. If you wish to donate directly to a "family" fund, on this page is a red-highlight note that has a link to a PayPal donation site.
  3. On this same CaringBridge page, there is a donation link on the page if you wish to donate to the CaringBridge organization itself to help it maintain its charity.
  4. The family's close friends have also setup a Facebook Page. Hannah's Helpers. Interact as you deem appropriate.
I've been told that one should describe your relationship to the family when interacting in any of these sites--especially if it's a friend-of-a-friend type of indirect contact. I wonder if this to dilute the creepy stalker factor
. I guess you can tell them that you are a friend of mine (Greg Calica) and that I am one of David's friends at work.
Again every one of you who elects to participate is simply an amazing individual in my book--I don't care what VMOA says about you (just kidding
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This is such a sad story, I hope for the best and will pray for the family and friends dealing with this tragedy. The long reaching effects of this will be many, I know the prayers and caring people will provide much comfort and support for the family.
i'm stubbling somewhat in my attempts to cope. i mean i've only known dave for a little over a year now, yet i can't get this off my mind. i mean my lack of focus is SO insignificant and pales in comparison to what he has to be dealing with. i guess it's because during the less stressful times, he and i enjoyed sharing stories of our two hannahs (my hannah is eight). he coaches his girls' basketball team; i coach/instruct my daughter and her martial arts classmates. we always seemed to have something proud to boast about with respect to our hannahs. :) ****! Just before the company broke for the holiday he was telling me about how his hannah was doing in dance class, and i was telling him how my hannah was doing with her tennis lessons.

i guess it is this "connection" that has made it so easy to put myself in his shoes and what made it impossible to keep a dry eye as i watched him follow behind his daughter's coffin pushing his other daughter in a wheelchair--anguish plastered to his face haunted with thoughts of his 3yo son hooked to tubes back in another state;

i feel just plain awful for him and his family and SO angry at the teenager who destroyed their lives.
Sooo sorry to hear about this tragedy. My heart goes out to this family. I can honestly say that tears rolled down my cheek while reading this story. I cannot amaging trying to cope with this if it were to happen to my family.

RIP Hannah and may God heal all other family members quickly and especially little Owen. This is when miracles need to happen. Way too young to be paralized for life.
