Unfortunately the whole review is in Russian without subtitles. At the 2:03 part, you can see the crashbars protectors. Anyone know where to get these for the gen 2?
Saw someone in the comments asked in English also.
I think she is talking of a previous vmax she reviewed and comparing them. I've been searching but can't find any crash bars at all for the Gen 2 only sliders.@ 3:15 into the video she, the gorgeous Russian, was riding a gen1. Yea, Ill bet a good search will yield some gen2 body armor.
Any update?Well what I surely thought would be a quick search has yielded absolutely zilch on the crash bar's.
Tuesday I will be at Vforce, a Yamaha dealer here in Denver where the service writer is a custom Vmax guru. I will ask him about the bars and post results ASAP!
Unfortunately the whole review is in Russian without subtitles. At the 2:03 part, you can see the crashbars protectors. Anyone know where to get these for the gen 2?
Saw someone in the comments asked in English also.
Ive seen those bars before on the old site a bunch of times. Or ones similar. Makes me think someone on the Starvmax board was making/selling them. no clue who now at this point.
How much would they cost? (Approximately, barring any defense industry-like price increases, of course.)I had crash bars made very similar to this. I can probably get more made if people are interested. I can get more backrests made also but need 8 people ready to buy in if I get them made. They won't make less than 8 due to too much wasted material.
Seems like there would be a big demand,,maybe you should make a dozen sets and see how they sell??I had crash bars made very similar to this. I can probably get more made if people are interested. I can get more backrests made also but need 8 people ready to buy in if I get them made. They won't make less than 8 due to too much wasted material.
like this
yup I did sent you this and I ordered one so I'm going to fit it soon and I will update you here
Someone sent me this link on Instagram. I'm not familiar with the company. But also has a crash guard setup.
Unfortunately the whole review is in Russian without subtitles. At the 2:03 part, you can see the crashbars protectors. Anyone know where to get these for the gen 2?
Saw someone in the comments asked in English also.