Man this is just so effin ridiculous on so many levels.
I agree,that is bad.Four crew on boad having a free flight,and that poor dude getting forced off.If i was him,sue the pants off em.Man this is just so effin ridiculous on so many levels.
Well, that excludes United from my airline list flying to Alaska! I hope this ends well for the passenger.
I refrained from comment because it seems I am in the minority.
I wrote a bunch of stuff than erased it... I don't have much info on this other than reading one article from the NY Times.
Short and sweet, I think the guy should have got off when he was told to get off. 3 others walked off before him without incident.
Good thing you Sir were not one of the first settlers from England to populate and start this Country. You would have been kissing the Redcoats ***** I believe all the while thinking it's your duty to king and Country. Sorry to be so harsh. Usually not my way or tone. I can only surmise you want a third bathroom and no prayers in schools and the like.
Big time Apples and oranges. If I don't agree to follow the rules of something, then I don't participate. If I come to your home, do you expect me to respect your rules. What are you gonna due when I tell you to f... off. That's what this guy did. Did you treat your kids to ice cream, when they had a tantrum. Your surmise is 180 degrees off. I guess I need to communicate better. I have absolutely no use for government or social justice. I do however have respect for the law. I want to be left alone, and Imposing minority rights on me is sickening. Live how you want, leave me alone. When you choose to participate in an activity, there is an expectation to follow the Rules. Better known as the law.
I'll agree with this.I have no issue with them removing him. I took issue on HOW they removed him. I work in EMS and work closely with law enforcement. Here is a different way of me imagining it. FOR EXAMPLE: You say you want to hurt yourself, and other people. I have to forcibly remove you from scene if you don't comply. You're not allowed to stay there. You have to go to the hospital for a crisis/scip/psychiatric evaluation. There are times where we don't get police on scene. That doesn't mean that I beat the **** out of you trying to get you in the ambulance. That means I wait for more assistance, or my partner and I restrain you without hurting you.
But I agree with you 100% when you say that he should have just left. I agree that it may have been escalated to having to forcibly remove him. That should have been done in restraints, it should have been done with more than one person. It shouldn't have caused him to be bleeding from his face afterwards. I've been punched, slaps, kicked, etc.. and I've never in handled a situation like that... and I work in an area a lot scarier than an airport.