seat doesn't come up easily

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I'll reel it back in Garrett! :biglaugh:

My seat acts the same way yours fact the last time I gassed up the seat bolts weren't in, I tripped the levers, removed the gas cap, grabbed the fuel nozzle and reached down to pull the flip section a bit farther so the nozzle would fit.....the whole ******' seat came off!! :bang head:

So there I am with the gas hose in one hand and the VMax seat hanging off the other hand....."How do I look so far!!" :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

That's when I came home and called Rick....and just got back from the PO where my 2nd MAXGASSER was waiting for me! :clapping::clapping::clapping:

Thanks again Rick!:punk:


Hey does the MAXGASSER hang up or does it latch and unlatch ok?
Maxgasser uses the factory latches in the factory manner but will "Pop" up and you just slide it or swivel it up just like the Maxgasser Logo. This leaves a buttload of space to gas up now not just physically but maybe evenmore helpful is the visual improvement so now you can stop pumping BEFORE you overfill and spill the precious juice down the overflow pipe. On top of that, can can customize the pivoting mechanism to whatever tension you prefer, stiff, loose or in between but I will guess most guys will just go with how it comes from Maxgasser! Hope that answers your question.
man do i ever <3 my maxgasser. thanks rick and pat !!!!

Regards from my Taptalking Hercules Android
I'm pretty sure that's a sideways heart Rick. And Garrett, you should see how much of a PITA mine is seeing that my rear fender is TWICE as wide as stock. I've already been at gas stations all but trying to rip the whole seat off cause I was soo pissed. I had to kinda bend those release hoops outward and I wound up putting the rear seat bolts back on and still had to mess with the little adjustment that there is on it and keep it well lubricated too but as Rick already knows I'm looking to get a custom MaxGasser sometime when my issues that have kept me from riding at all since early June are resolved. But I'd try that Garrett as far as the rear seat bolts and lube and see if it helps.
that'd probably be a good test. whether its the seat or the latches.

Think I read this thread seat 'pops' but the flip section only comes up a little ways and binds up....pulling on the flip is what pulled the seat completely off the bike. But the basic mechanism works fine and I'm sure the Maxgasser will too.

Sounds like your mechanism needs a little 'reforming & adjusting' Garrett.
Sorry. but what is ,
a heart.

Aren't those a big ol' smackeroo? <3:confused2:

Guess it also could be someones butt being sucked out an airplane window!! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

Now that you say this, it's not a heart, but how much my butt LOVES the Maxgasser :punk:

Then again, that does resemble an image of when I divorced and had my balls snipped off

damn, ouch. she must've kicked you hard :rofl_200:
ah once mine goes it pivots all the way up its just like it doesn't pop up by itself. it springs fine so i think its dirty latches or something.