Well-Known Member
I'll reel it back in Garrett! :biglaugh:
My seat acts the same way yours fact the last time I gassed up the seat bolts weren't in, I tripped the levers, removed the gas cap, grabbed the fuel nozzle and reached down to pull the flip section a bit farther so the nozzle would fit.....the whole ******' seat came off!! :bang head:
So there I am with the gas hose in one hand and the VMax seat hanging off the other hand....."How do I look so far!!" :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
That's when I came home and called Rick....and just got back from the PO where my 2nd MAXGASSER was waiting for me! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Thanks again Rick!unk:
Hey does the MAXGASSER hang up or does it latch and unlatch ok?