Well-Known Member
Do you sell these components Gary? I'll swap some parts from my '96 till I hit the faulty peice, then replace it.
No, I don't have these.
Do you sell these components Gary? I'll swap some parts from my '96 till I hit the faulty peice, then replace it.
No, I don't have these.
OK, thanks for the schematics.
If any one wants these schematics send me an email address and I will send you the full set of schematics. To big to post on here. I redrew them a couple of years ago from the hard to read stock set..
In an effort to fix my '86's non-cancelling turn signals I got an '85 signal relay from NHVmaxpower (thanks Wayne). Oddly, they work just like I think they should....they self cancel after 19 blinks, if moving, and don't self cancel when the bike is sitting....even if I turn them on prior to stopping they will continue to blink until the bike starts moving again....which doesn't seem to agree with the way some others work...:ummm:
Maybe that's the way the earlier models worked....the relay is way different than the one on my '96.
my 2003 always acted like you noted on the '86. it seems to be a distance or time thing whatever is greater. keep going if stopped.
In an effort to fix my '86's non-cancelling turn signals I got an '85 signal relay from NHVmaxpower (thanks Wayne). Oddly, they work just like I think they should....they self cancel after 19 blinks, if moving, and don't self cancel when the bike is sitting....even if I turn them on prior to stopping they will continue to blink until the bike starts moving again.....
That is definitely the way they are supposed to work - there is a sensor in the speedo that stops the self-canceling feature while the bike is at a standstill - it makes sense as you don't want it to cancel while waiting to turn at traffic lights.
Did the relay you used prevent the need for load equalizers and resistors? If so I'd be interested in the part #.
I'm fine using load equalizers, but I like the electronics to be as efficient as possible so I can add as much ******** as I want to the bike.
That's funny - I felt the same and since replacing my relay with an electronic one to make the LED blinkers work properly, I've also found I forget to switch them off at times! Must be getting old..
Did the relay you used prevent the need for load equalizers and resistors? If so I'd be interested in the part #.
I'm fine using load equalizers, but I like the electronics to be as efficient as possible so I can add as much ******** as I want to the bike.