Seller Etiquette?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Valdosta, Ga
I understand people are busy, but is it that much of a PITA to provide a shipping confirmation number for an item you sold? It's been a week, getting concerned. Was told it was shipping yesterday but no number given. :bang head:
Never heard of a bad deal on here, hope I'm not the first. At least I used PayPal.
Not wanting to go there yet, he said he was shipping multiple items he sold on here and had to wait until Saturday to do that. I asked for a number and he said he dropped it off but won't ship until Monday.
Of course if my situation doesn't get resolved I'll let everyone know of who not to deal with. He hasn't been on-line since I paid him so that's not looking good.
If you used paypal what is your concern? If you file a claim its sellers responsibility to show proof delivery. And i do know this well... i was loosing 800 euro due a post service error.
I can't speak for the seller but I can speak from my own experience and say that Life Happens. Garrett recently purchased a fork brace from me. I had intentions to ship it on Saturday. Life happened and I didn't make it to the post office. The next Monday I had to go out of town for work unexpectedly and didn't make it home for nearly a week. Once I got a chance it did go out but, it was a week later than expected. He didn't complain at all or even ask about it but I felt a bit guilty all the same. Give the guy a chance before getting too worked up. There may be a reasonable explanation.
Agreed. I rarely actually take the time to get tracking numbers which I know can be unnerving for some. But, they rarely lose a package and normally get them to you in a timely manner if it got out from me on time. Sometimes I get caught up and miss it on my end. Most of the time though people get their parts before they have even sent the payment.

Some parts also take longer to then I would like but I try to give realistic timeframes to get them done.

We have one seat however that has taken better then half a year so far but we are finally getting close. I did however loan the customer a seat in the meantime while we did this custom seat for him (partial repair and partial custom).

Also have a couple of engines in process that my machinist is taking his sweet ass time on which is killing me and my customer. I could take it to another place (sleeve work) but just don't have much trust in someone else.

I have shipped hundreds of items over the years and usually use Parcel Post unless asked otherwise as that is the least expensive shipping. PP does not provide a tracking number and USPS tracking numbers for other shipping methods are unreliable. Usually get the item before the tracking number is updated. :biglaugh: I would not worry unless the seller is really late and is not a regular on this forum. As said earlier, sometimes stuff happens...
Ok, lack of communication is my problem then. I get the "life happens" bit, I don't need to know your problems but at least give me a courtesy heads up.
As much as I buy and sell Vmax parts, I've been on both sides of the issue but communication is the one thing that can be the best cure for keeping everyone happy. I've sent wrong packages to the wrong people and explained everything with my apologies. Nobody got ugly with me and one Forum member even forwarded the shipment to the right guy on HIS dime! How cool is that. He wouldn't take a payment. He's golden in my book. Yeah life happens but if we take ownership of our shortcomings and allow some leeway or consideration for others, it makes for a much more enjoyable hobby.
I had a USPS lost payment to a forum member before I got the goods. He was starting to get suspicious so I sent him the receipt for the money order (copy), and he waited two months for me to be able to get the refund & complete the deal. I didn't have a tracking # for the first -lost-payment but you 'can bet your bippy' I did for the 2nd , & Priority Mail. I never send anything w/o a tracking # and if it fits in a prepaid Priority Mail box, so-much the better. I like getting the tracking #.
I had a USPS lost payment to a forum member before I got the goods. He was starting to get suspicious so I sent him the receipt for the money order (copy), and he waited two months for me to be able to get the refund & complete the deal. I didn't have a tracking # for the first -lost-payment but you 'can bet your bippy' I did for the 2nd , & Priority Mail. I never send anything w/o a tracking # and if it fits in a prepaid Priority Mail box, so-much the better. I like getting the tracking #.
I never send anything without a tracking # either. I spend 85 cents for a delivery confirmation sticker,on all my out going parts.:biglaugh:
The weekend plus Columbus day loses three days. Patience, while maybe not easy, is a necessity in the bike world. Hope for the best, expect the worse.
so far everyone ive dealt withe here on the forum has been excellent.

no complaints from me:punk:
so far everyone ive dealt withe here on the forum has been excellent.

no complaints from me:punk:

Tru dat.

I was thinkin that they didn't let bad seeds in this forum...almost to the point of wanting to live in this virtual world ..vs. the real world where people suck. ;)

hope the stuff gets to the op without a prob.

I never send anything without a tracking # either. I spend 85 cents for a delivery confirmation sticker,on all my out going parts.:biglaugh:

This is great to keep ebay/buyers happy, at least they have proof it was sent, but it in no way ensures USPS won't lose it or break it. I had a DC'ed box get lost once, never arrived, tracking # hadn't updated, buyer was getting impatient. Who knows where the box went, it never got to the buyer, it was never returned to me (sometimes "lost" boxes will show up back at my address a few weeks/months later). Ended up having to refund the buyer and was out like $80 from USPS fucking up. I went to the PO, and asked what they would do if a DC package wasn't delivered. Answer: nothing. You have to buy insuranceto protect against lost. DC is simply a tracking number, not a guarantee of delivery.

I always kept the DC numbers for ebay items, in case the buyer later claimed they didn't get it, but rarely uploaded them to the listing unless the buyer specifically asked for it.

A little communication goes a long way to keeping both parties happy. Sellers that just ignore buyer messages, especially when they know something isn't happening as fast as expected, are just asking for problems. Buyers then assume you're ignoring them on purpose and immediately get suspicious, with good reason. A few times I didn't ship items as fast as I should have, or one just "slipped by" I forgot to ship. When I realized the mistake I'd always send the buyer a message explaining the delay(item went out of stock, I just missed it), and would usually give a token of goodwill like refunding the shipping cost.

I had 100% positive feedback, Top Rated seller status, and was a bronze powerseller. I know it doesn't take much time to fire off a quick message explaining a delay or apology for a fuck-up on my part....or even explaining that USPS lost it. Customer service is #1. While it wasn't my fault the box got lost in the mail, it isn't theirs either. I'd take the hit and refund the money, rather than take the easy was as most sellers do and just say "tough crap, I proved I sent it not my fault". So when I buy stuff and it doesn't arrive on time and I don't get word, I send a message asking why. If I get a response(usually) with a plausible explanation that gives some hint they care and want to fix the situation I let them fix it, and then positive feedback/5 star DSRs. If they don't respond, or give some BS not-my-fault excuse, I have no hesitation leaving negatives and 1-stars. There's been listings that have the long whiny paragraph about DO NOT LEAVE NEG FEEDBACK, we will make it right, yadda yadda I'd had a problem with, messaged them, and they said well it was shipped so-and-so, usps must have lost it, we're not responsible. Too bad. Neg. Then once they sent me this nasty message afterward about why I had neg'ed them (apparently it was enough to make them lose the powerseller or something). I said they didn't resolve the situation to my satisfaction. They said something like "what, you want us to give you a refund because USPS lost it, that's not our fault"