Don't know if these will help, or if he even has them, but I could call him tomorrow if you're interested.
thanks sarchin i ll know maybe wensday when i ll have my engine open.
Don't know if these will help, or if he even has them, but I could call him tomorrow if you're interested.
Looks like a single rod (which is less then retail by a little bit). BUT, Cariillo will recondition the rod for less then that.
Smoking deal. You buy it or I will.
The rod may not show visible damage but it will be out of round. It will need reconditioned which Carrillo can do (and we can have done with our account or you can send it in direct). The crank can be repaired (we can also have that done) or it can be replaced with a good used crank.
The biggest thing to check is the block. They tend to destroy or the crank thrust surface. Check the upper case half where the crank is retained from moving side to side. If this surface is damaged it will need to be repaired which is not a simple job. Again we can do that but it's sometimes cheaper to simply replace the block.