She sues 'cause she can't reach trigger of her gun

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida

Scary: she guards an atomic facility.

They process spent nuclear material there.

A firearms officer has won a sex discrimination case against police chiefs because her gun was too big for her small hands.
Victoria Wheatley, part of the armed unit which protects the Sellafield atomic complex, could not reach her weapon's trigger.
She struggled with the grip of the pistol she was using - a Glock 17 - and her trainers failed to adjust it while carrying out a test shoot on which her job depends.
A tribunal found the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) guilty of discrimination against Ms Wheatley - and another officer Racheal Giles, who is based at Chapelcross, near Annan - in the provision of suitable firearms and safety equipment.
Both officers, who are described as being "petite in stature" and with "small hands", asked on several occasions for a smaller and suitable grip on the weapon when they could not reach the trigger, but this did not happen.

Their solicitor, Binder Bansel, of Pattinson & Brewer, said that every officer joining at the rank of constable or sergeant is required to train to recognised standards as an authorised firearms officer and maintain the standard.
A cycle of annual training shoots tests their ability.
"Continued failure at these shoot days results in an unsatisfactory assessment, which could lead to the officer being dismissed," added the solicitor.
Ms Wheatley and Ms Giles said there were other problems too during the tests, including ill-fitting protection equipment, as the helmets and kneepads were too large which impeded performance.
They also argued that a wooden barricade which was used as a resting place for the firearm was also too large but the tribunal found there was no justification for this.
The women raised their concerns on "a regular basis" but were often dismissed, with no "adequate consideration", the tribunal heard.
CNC chiefs, however, plan to appeal the tribunal decision.
A spokesman said: "The judgement has been passed and the CNC has lost on the grounds of indirect sex discrimination, however any claims of victimisation were unanimously dismissed.
"The CNC are licensed by the College of Policing for firearms training and we have shared this judgement with them in the context of the national firearms picture.
"As a result of what was discussed in this case, the CNC can also state it will be conducting an equality impact assessment.
"This is to ensure that the CNC remains committed to providing the right training and equipment, together with a commitment to equal opportunities."
Ms Wheatley and Ms Giles are members of the Civil Nuclear Police Federation, which supported the claim.
After the judgement, chief executive Nigel Dennis said he was pleased with the outcome, adding he hoped the constabulary would remove the "disadvantage" and ensure all officers had a fair opportunity.
Scary: she guards an atomic facility.

I'm with the girls on this one....why were they hired and not given the proper equipment? It should have been rather obvious in the job interview that they had little hands....

Reminds me of what my old Irish Grandfather used to tell me...."Marry a girl with little hands makes......" I'm sure you know the rest! :rofl_200:
Mandated minority hiring most likely.....but why did admin let it get to this point? There's plenty of pistols that they could have been they got a **** storm happening that's gonna cost a hell of a lot more than a couple Beretta 9's....or whatever!
They didn't have any physical size/weight parameters to meet when they applied for the job?

I thought the same thing. I agree the ladies may have a case as to not being given appropriate "Tools" for the job, but I don't get the sex discrimination. Lots of men with little hands. Years ago at work we had an operating engineer apprentic. Her name was Danita. She was a 4'8 black girl, so she had minority, and female status. the State loved her. She met all their quota's. She was a great girl. The problem was she could barely reach the pedals in our pick-ups, and couldn't reach them in some of the equiptment. Didn't really make for a safe, productive work environment. They didn't let her run a lot of stuff. I guess I'm saying not everybody is physically equipt to do every job. Should a company be forced to make special accommodations or possibly get sued. That aint right.
They didn't "adjust" the gun because there is no ******* adjustment on a Glock. The grip is an integral part of the polymer structure of the gun itself.

The only option would be to go to a compact gun of a different type/style etc.

I'd be surprised if there wasn't a process in place to get alternative weapons approved for these situations. Freaking nuclear plants write procedures everything up to wiping your ass.

I bet none of this came up till she was run off or threatens with discharged for some other issue. But just speculation on my part.