Shifting problem or normal? (2010 VMax)

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Jul 18, 2020
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So, while my VMax key was turned off, I found it to be in gear so reached down and by hand clicked it into neutral without engaging the clutch. The bike was off so I figured no biggie. Now my Max is having intermittent problems going into first gear. It goes in sometimes and others it doesn't find first. *Sigh*. Did I screw myself with an expensive tranny fix? I've read lots on the forums and don't think I have the tools or the brains to pull off a fix. :-(
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
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What you did was normal- it would not cause any problem.

You are having problems with the bike running and the clutch pulled in (disengaged)?

I wonder if some part of the shift inkage is loose or out of adjustment.
I haven't experienced any problems with the clutch when the bike is running. No creeping, no surges, takes off from stop fine, etc. It goes into all other gears normal. Just first gear is now hard to engage about 50-75% of the time and when the bike gets to running temps, both neutral indicators won't light up. They light up when at cold start and goes into neutral fine. Oh, and now my dealer doesn't want to work on any bike over 10 years old. (Aka, how about buy a new one, ya sure.)
Oh, and now my dealer doesn't want to work on any bike over 10 years old. (Aka, how about buy a new one, ya sure.)
I'm hearing more and more of that from all over the place. I think what's happened is people have been suing for a shop not being able to fix their old bike and dealers have simply had enough of it.
Oh, and now my dealer doesn't want to work on any bike over 10 years old. (Aka, how about buy a new one, ya sure.)
Let that dealer **** himself. Everywhere around the globe official brand dealers get cocky and feel they can ignore customers with older vehicles/bikes. Luckily everywhere good mechanics can be found who know what they are doing for much better prices.
A very good exception on that rule is my official Mercedes dealer in The Netherlands who still can deliver most original parts for my 1986 Mercedes and the mechanics there are very eager to work my that old car, they even like to work on that old piece of engineering 😜
Let that dealer **** himself. Everywhere around the globe official brand dealers get cocky and feel they can ignore customers with older vehicles/bikes. Luckily everywhere good mechanics can be found who know what they are doing for much better prices.
A very good exception on that rule is my official Mercedes dealer in The Netherlands who still can deliver most original parts for my 1986 Mercedes and the mechanics there are very eager to work my that old car, they even like to work on that old piece of engineering 😜
I had the same problem at an independent shop and they do not sell bikes. Anything over 10 years or so they did not want to work on.
Are we talking Gen I? A note in your profile to indicate bike age is helpful.

Unless you forced the bike into first (i.e. used your size 10's to force it into gear then what you did, as has already been mentioned, wouldn't do any harm.

Check your linkage at the lever, has 2 jam nuts on it . One may have worked loose. Probably just need to adjust it.

That wouldn't be the problem as they are left and right hand threads both nuts would have to be loose to allow the adjustment to alter.

As you say the bike doesn't creep, i.e. no clutch drag the next thing to check would be the star segment on the end of the selector shaft, #'s 6, 7 & 13, is intact.


The early models (thus the request in the first paragraph) can have issues with them coming apart and causing gear selection problems.
I have a Gen2. It appears an oil and filter change with Shell Rotella resolved my shifting (first gear) problem. I noticed my clutch and shifting felt a bit different after the Yamaha dealer performed a 12,000 mile service in which they used Yamalube. Seems some recommend an oil and filter change every 2,000 miles so that's my plan. If you own a Gen2, it is very easy to do the oil changes yourself.

Also adjusted the linkage at the lever as was recommended. Neither was loose.

Happy and safe riding everyone!
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