Nice lookin break.
You carry a sidearm when you go out single shot like that?
Hell yes - .357 mag backs me up on every hunt. ...
Got a free shotgun this morning from a friend who felt like he owed me for some favors lately.
Anyhoo, eighties vintage Winchester Defender, 8 shot, cruiser grip, in the box never fired. Zero Dollars. Woot!
BTW, if any of you SoCal denizens are looking into handguns, I'm trimming my collection at this time, feel free to drop me a PM. All transfers must be conducted in accordance with CA law of course, no "trunk" guns. I have no intention of earning myself a felony.
:biglaugh: .. MAN "KJ" , WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT ! ..:biglaugh:Great looking eagle! Your not planning to make a helmet-gun now are ya Tim? :biglaugh: