Skulls on bikes

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
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I see that alot of people have skulls, and bones decals, trinkets, graphics etc on their bikes, helmets,and clothing these days. Kind of a wierd fad if you ask me. Personally, I will not have anything to do with death on my bike, clothing, and helmets whatsoever! Call it superstition if ya want! Lol. Anyone else feel this way?
I see that alot of people have skulls, and bones decals, trinkets, graphics etc on their bikes, helmets,and clothing these days. Kind of a wierd fad if you ask me. Personally, I will not have anything to do with death on my bike, clothing, and helmets whatsoever! Call it superstition if ya want! Lol. Anyone else feel this way?

I always considered it to mean the opposite, they're a reminder of our mortality, a healthy respect for the dead and for the power that the reaper holds
still, I don't have any skulls nor bones on mine
Skulls to me just seem so overdone on bikes and pretty much everything else. I was at the store the other day and they are even putting them on size 4T in the toddlers clothes! That's messed up if you ask me. And I don't even care for the look at all. The last thing I'd want on My bike is anything to do with death. But, that's just my taste. Other guys like them but to each his own. Actually, except for Sean's Reaper bike but that really wasn't a skull. But that was cool.
Agree, pretty overdone. But I like the ghost rider, flaming skull graphics. I'll be adding a radiator cover and if I find a chrome one...its mine.
Skulls, crosses, etc. All overdone and cliche as ****.

That said... I am intending on some wild horror movie montage paint job on the max one day, and skull **** would compliment that theme very nicely.

I keep thinking about getting a pair of these in black:

Which would go along very nicely with these turn signals:

So... as a guy who thinks skull **** is way overdone, there is such an amazing amount of it out there that it's hard not to be attracted to some of it anyway!
I love skulls and I am not sure why everyone assumes it means death all the time. Skulls hold the most important part of your. Its the temple to your brain. I ve had skulls on all kinds of items through out my life.
It's just my opinion but I'm with Zack on this one.. They just look cheesy to me but its your bike and your money so do with it what you wish :)

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My old bike was skull/demoned out in the paint. That was about the last time (with the exception of my grim reaper key) there was a skull on anything I own.


Nice bike, I was never a big fan of skulls on bike's though.

I never could understand skulls and bikes... whats the relationship ?.
I like skulls... But I've liked them long before the current fad and will like them long after. I'm not much for the cartoon ones or the obviously demonic ones but all the rest I like. Especially if they are flaming. Flaming Skulls are the best. Kinda like Ghost rider. He wasn't dead, wasn't a bad guy, but could be scary as hell.

I guess if skulls aren't your thing they just aren't. I also would not be dressing my child in skull clad clothing or going all crazy with them on my ride. I have a helmet with one on each side just because I like the look of it on that particular helmet. I guess I'm just not all that concerned about it.
KJ, Damn, I know I said it before, but, Damn! That was a really badass bike. I know I'm not in chopper fan land. But, I like them especially one like that one. That was really done nice. I'd love to get one like that someday.
Not really my style, but I've always preferred more subdued, clean looks, let the bike's style and lines speak for themselves. I don't like clothes or gear with gigantic logos on them or "shouty" graphics on my vehicles. But as said to each their own, if everybody's bike looked exactly the same, you'd ride a Harley.
I see that alot of people have skulls, and bones decals, trinkets, graphics etc on their bikes, helmets,and clothing these days. Kind of a wierd fad if you ask me. Personally, I will not have anything to do with death on my bike, clothing, and helmets whatsoever! Call it superstition if ya want! Lol. Anyone else feel this way?

Feel the same skulls for me on anything related to the bike.
These would be fun to wear from time to time..:clapping:


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:rofl_200:But if you really want to scare the hell out of people just wear this.. Warning you might get shot At though :confused2: :rofl_200::rofl_200:


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