slow speed floppy steering??

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
Reaction score
Well on my way to Texas i noticed everytime id hit a town and have to slow down the bike just felt like it wanted to fall over, the steering was just loose and heavy. it took way to much effort to drive in a straight line i couldnt seem to keep from weaving all over, the bike was never like this before, the steering use to be tight and smooth and now its junk!:damn angry: what causes this??

:punk: Check your air pressure, it's hard to streer when low. Good Luck, Spurs
Mine behaved that way when I picked up a nail and my back tire went flat.

Head bearings are easy enough to check. Put the bike on the centerstand, sit on the passenger seat to get the front wheel off the ground(you may need a helper if you're light). Put the handlebars in the center, and gently nudge it to one side. If it falls and bounces, they're too loose. If it won't fall at all, they're too tight. Excessively tight bearings tend to cause a low-speed wandering feeling, where loose ones cause high speed wobble.
air pressure is good, 40psi front and rear, i may have tightend the head bearings to much:bang head: cause i had a high speed wobble and thought they needed to be tightened, im lacking a center stand so ill have to prop the front end up some other way, tires are good all the way around:biglaugh: probably to tight on the head bearing thanks everyone

A general rule on the head bearings: too loose=wobble,
too tight=difficulty holding a straight line, weaving.


I actually set mine up on this fine line and put up with the slightest of slight slow speed weaving - cause I spend way too much time 100+mph and consider it a SMALL PRICE to pay for not getting a tank slapper. :biglaugh:
TBH the "bounce test" didn't work real well for me. I checked the head bearings, and I would have to push them all the way down....supposedly already too tight. But low speed was perfect. I tightened it up a bit more. Wiggle improved, low speed still fine. I got it as tight as I could and tried, and now I noticed a low-speed wandering feeling....trouble keeping it in a straight line. Backed the tightness off a bit and called it quits. Low speed is fine now...sometimes I think I notice a bit of wander, but it's so slight I can't even be certain. High speed is much better also....had it to 140+ several times, and no problems cruising at 100+ for extended periods. Still is a bit unsteady on real hard cornering (dragging peg or nearly so at 50+), but I don't think the Max will ever be able to do that well, even with frame braces.
TBH the "bounce test" didn't work real well for me. I checked the head bearings, and I would have to push them all the way down....supposedly already too tight. But low speed was perfect. I tightened it up a bit more. Wiggle improved, low speed still fine. I got it as tight as I could and tried, and now I noticed a low-speed wandering feeling....trouble keeping it in a straight line. Backed the tightness off a bit and called it quits. Low speed is fine now...sometimes I think I notice a bit of wander, but it's so slight I can't even be certain. High speed is much better also....had it to 140+ several times, and no problems cruising at 100+ for extended periods. Still is a bit unsteady on real hard cornering (dragging peg or nearly so at 50+), but I don't think the Max will ever be able to do that well, even with frame braces.

yeah after putting it all back together after installing all new bearings and stuff it was smooth as a dream around town!! after putting a couple hundred miles on it i noticed its wandering characteristics around town so tonight im gunna do the bounce test and see where im at and then go from there:punk: i havent had i to 140 yet, since i had the wobbles at 105mph, so after redoing my head adjustment ill see if my high speed wobble is gone

........ and no problems cruising at 100+ for extended periods. Still is a bit unsteady on real hard cornering (dragging peg or nearly so at 50+), but I don't think the Max will ever be able to do that well, even with frame braces.[/QUOTE]

What fork springs and rear shocks are you running ?
well i retightened the head and my low speed doesnt flop all over, havent really had a chance to get it up to speed, but ill post back once i do and see how it handles, thanks

check the tire pressure ... all the symptoms you mention can be associated with a low front tire pressure ... beleve me, this can help

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