So frustrating!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
Reaction score
Long story short...... Hopefully. I went through a lot of issues with my Vmax for several months at the end of last year. With the help of dragmaxster, rebuilt carbs and ALOT of other parts replaced and add edit was finally figured out!
Well...... I had about 6-9 months and around 1,000-1,500 trouble free miles until last week :bang head: in the last 3 weeks I've put around 200 miles on it and everything was good. It sat for exactly 1 week, I went for a ride and as soon as I started it I knew something was wrong! It was dog slow through all gears and RPM's, and sounded like it was bogging :bang head:. So it looks like I'm going to have to do the peashooter and hopefully not the shotgun because the last time I had issues before the carbs were rebuilt by dragmaxster I guess I put them back together wrong! I guess I'm not as mechanically inclined as I thought
I just want to ride..... SO FRUSTRATING!!
I'm trying to talk my wife into letting me buy a digisync because obviously being a Vmax owner it's a good thing to have.
Either some crappy fuel, or something is stuck...I would try some seafoam in your fuel and tap the fuel bowls is possible. you might also want to drain what fuel is currently in them to see what all comes out.. My bike ran like dog crap last week after sitting for about 2 weeks due to rain. 1/3 of can of sea foam and a full tank of full it stopped...well the following day after driving it a ways and using the sea foam....
If you cant swing the digisync the Morgan Carbtune is a lick over $100, it's fantastic. I know plenty of guys here use it to and it comes recommended. I bought mine last year and I cant even tell you how many times I've used it but if you want that sweet crisp snappy idle/off idle this device is not optional IMHO. Not saying there may not be other issues but it's nice to RO sync issues and then be able to dial it back in when your done doing other work.

Dont ask permission, just go buy what you need/want. :Devil:
The digisync is $150 I think, screw it!! I'm gonna go for it! $50 more than an analog.... If I'm gonna get a rash of **** might as well make it really worth it!:biglaugh: I still have to do the shotgun or figure out what the hell is going on but I'm sure it's out of sync also
When I get it I can do it both ways (v-boost open and closed) and post the results.
Can someone tell me what cylinder number is where? I know it's on here somewhere but since I have this thread started I figured I'd just ask.
When I get it I can do it both ways (v-boost open and closed) and post the results.
Can someone tell me what cylinder number is where? I know it's on here somewhere but since I have this thread started I figured I'd just ask.

Left front 2
Left rear 1
Right front 4
Right rear 3
Awesome! Thanks guys. I'm going to have to go back to stock and try to figure it out from there. The other day I was doing the peashooter and when I was messing with the A/F screws I got interrupted by one of my little ones taking a digger on his bike so I can't remember what's what.
check you fuel filter ! If it has brown sandy stuff in it......check your tank with a strong led flash light, and look for rust. I just went through something like this a few weeks ago. Had the carbs off 4 times cleaning them. It would run good for a day and then run like crap again. It takes only a TINY bit of dirt to screw up the carbs on these picky buggers. I bought the Motion Pro carb tool to dial in the carbs. There is NO way, you can set these carbs by ear. Every one who owns a 4 carbed bike should have one, ARE going to need it.
When I get it I can do it both ways (v-boost open and closed) and post the results.
Can someone tell me what cylinder number is where? I know it's on here somewhere but since I have this thread started I figured I'd just ask.

If you look at the intake, granted its in right, they are labeled 1-4

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Didn't mention it but the fuel filter was the first thing I did. I also looked in the tank.
When I get it I can do it both ways (v-boost open and closed) and post the results.
Can someone tell me what cylinder number is where? I know it's on here somewhere but since I have this thread started I figured I'd just ask.

Much appreciated. I've got a little Edelbrock set up, but it's not as accurate as my carb tune. It's a little tube with a ball in it. My carb tune doesn't like to sync with open boost. It's not too big a deal because I just wired up my servo to be either open or closed. Adjusted the v-boost after finding the right side not fully opening. I like open boost and would put the block off tubes in if I knew I could sync open, accurately.