So, you think the Moon landings were faked?

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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
Attached is a photo taken from Lunar orbit of the Apollo 14 landing site.
Altitude was about 60 miles.


  • Apollo 14.jpg
    Apollo 14.jpg
    104.7 KB
ha ha regardless of if the landing was fake or not - that picture doesn't prove the argument in either way. It's a blurry photo of who knows where with white scribbles on it :)
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it's a real 50/50 call...

it could have been all filmed in the Nevada desert

it could have happened for real

I guess we'll never know 4 sure lol
I read that none of the astronauts that claimed to go there would put there hands on the bible and swear to it...

I think it was fake.
I don't know.....I read a lot about the Sept. 11th attacks and watched a long YouTube documentary on it. It's amazing the facts that are clearly there in video that show things that happened that were impossible. If the gov't could have manipulated things to make that disaster happen and make it so believeable, why couldn't they also have faked the moon landing? I'm sure that the data that Mythbusters got from the space center could have also been manipulated to give readings that proved it happened.
i think there'd be definite proof by now if we didn't.

someone from nasa woulda squealed or something.
I suppose you guys who doubt the landings really happened think the earth is flat, too!:rofl_200:

Buzz Aldrin IS a tough old bastard......
I don`t know `cause back then no one paid that much attention to detail
they were all just excited that we (supposedly) got there first.
But now with all new technology... they ars saying that all of ths shadows are facing the wrong way and nothing adds up.:confused2::ummm:
Like the kenedy thing , I guess we`ll never really know for sure but , we are all left to think what we wanna think `cause they aint gonna admit that was a lie too.
How old is Buzz anyway ? Mid 70 s at least. Just goes to show, you don't call a man a liar to his face without being ready to take a punch. Rock on Buzz !
Get 'em Buzz! You 'da man!!! I just wish the video was long enough to show Buzz kicking him in the balls. Okay, that may not have happened, but it should have.
Yes Bill....there out there LOL!

This is free thinking at it's worst. I hope they enjoy the Kool Aid :rofl_200:

That is a spoof site. Its pretty funny in some areas, other areas not so much. But an entertaining read. This is the disclaimer at the bottom;

"The Flat Earth Society is not in any way responsible for the failure of the French to repel the Germans at the Maginot Line during WWII. Nor is the Flat Earth Society responsible for the recent yeti sightings outside the Vatican, or for the unfortunate enslavement of the Nabisco Inc. factory employees by a rogue hamster insurrectionist group. Furthermore, we are not responsible for the loss of one or more of the following, which may possibly occur as the result of exposing one's self to the dogmatic and dangerously subversive statements made within: life, limb, vision, Francois Mitterand, hearing, taste, smell, touch, thumb, Aunt Mildred, citizenship, spleen, bedrock, cloves, I Love Lucy reruns, toaster, pine derby racer, toy duck, antelope, horseradish, prosthetic ankle, double-cheeseburger, tin foil, limestone, watermelon-scented air freshner, sanity, paprika, German to Pig Latin dictionary, dish towel, pet Chihuahua, pogo stick, Golf Digest subscription, floor tile, upper torso or halibut. "
I'm not much for conspiracy theorists. I'm not saying I eat everything the government spoon feeds me, but I think we landed on the moon.

I'd like to sock some of those 9/11 conspiracy theorists in he nose too. I can't say much about the twin towers but I can say, without reservation, that a plane hit the pentagon. A plane full of people. Several of my friends were stationed at Fort Myer and were presidential gaurds during 9/11. They were tasked with clean up. They pulled rows of seating out the wreckage. Bodies still strapped into seats. Luggage. Pools of aluminum had cooled on portions of the floor. Popular Mechanics did a pretty in depth review of the evidence and put out a study combating the theorists.

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