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LOL - That gator was the back-up for my new pitbull. I'll have to find another one...:biglaugh:
Hey Uncle P where you been? Anyway, we Jehovah's Witnesses have learned to shove a Watchtower or Awake magazine in the jaws of gators or wayward pitbulls. That way we don't get bit and place some literature with the homeowner at the same time! Good to see you back! Don't be a stranger!
Good to see you UP :clapping:
Been awhile.
Welcome back, cold ones are in the cooler on the porch.
Take your Jacket off and stay awhile
The terms of my parole say that I'm not allowed to associate with villains, outlaws, and people of otherwise unsavory character and ill repute...

Which (present company excepted) pretty much covers everybody in here... So I keep a pretty low profile these days...

Thanks much VP JIM et al, for the kind words and shoutouts... I will, and still do answer any and all PM's and emails....

Cloaking Devise: Reactivated
Lurk Mode: On
