I read on the Star forum how much of a bugger bear the simple act of changing out the Gen II plugs could be. Even watched a short vid clip on how to help the COPS removal with a blast of air.
All I can say is: they were not exaggerating when they said it was a ****** to do first time around. MOFO! I felt like I needed to close the garage doors down so as to avoid the neighbors turning me in for verbal abuse - and I live in the middle of 10 acres!
I mean seriously - who ever heard of having to remove the f'ing battery and battery box in it's entirety to get at a couple of measly spark plugs:confused2: And that left front plug? My hands still ache from squeezing them into a place where even the smallest Jap hands shouldn't be fit.
If you own a Gen II, and aren't necessarily mechanically inclined: DON"T DO THIS AT HOME. Schedule an appointment at your local Yamaha dealer and pay them to do it.
And Iridium plugs? Who the f''k thought those were a good idea? Tiny tip is so fragile, I'd hate to try re-gapping them. Can't imagine trying to pry a larger gap w/o damaging that tip. I would have liked to go a bit smaller gap with the new plugs to experiment with firing under 'cruise' conditions, but was afraid of damaging that little tip, and so, I made due with the .032-.033 gap they came with.
On the bright side, I do think the new plugs are firing better than the ones I removed, but they only have 4K miles on them. I've never had plugs foul that soon since selling off the last two-stroke bike I owned back in the late 70's.
Sorry for the rant. Had to vent somewhere.
...and now to go schedule the oil pump recall for the bike...
All I can say is: they were not exaggerating when they said it was a ****** to do first time around. MOFO! I felt like I needed to close the garage doors down so as to avoid the neighbors turning me in for verbal abuse - and I live in the middle of 10 acres!
I mean seriously - who ever heard of having to remove the f'ing battery and battery box in it's entirety to get at a couple of measly spark plugs:confused2: And that left front plug? My hands still ache from squeezing them into a place where even the smallest Jap hands shouldn't be fit.
If you own a Gen II, and aren't necessarily mechanically inclined: DON"T DO THIS AT HOME. Schedule an appointment at your local Yamaha dealer and pay them to do it.
And Iridium plugs? Who the f''k thought those were a good idea? Tiny tip is so fragile, I'd hate to try re-gapping them. Can't imagine trying to pry a larger gap w/o damaging that tip. I would have liked to go a bit smaller gap with the new plugs to experiment with firing under 'cruise' conditions, but was afraid of damaging that little tip, and so, I made due with the .032-.033 gap they came with.
On the bright side, I do think the new plugs are firing better than the ones I removed, but they only have 4K miles on them. I've never had plugs foul that soon since selling off the last two-stroke bike I owned back in the late 70's.
Sorry for the rant. Had to vent somewhere.
...and now to go schedule the oil pump recall for the bike...