Spark plugs

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I just ordered x4 NGK Iridiums, as I've had the bike two years and never did plugs (shame on me).

Anyone had any experience with these?

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Put them in, broke down 100 miles later, got home, took 'em out, put in standard plugs, no trouble since???????????

Good luck
I just ordered x4 NGK Iridiums, as I've had the bike two years and never did plugs (shame on me).

Anyone had any experience with these?


I installed the iridiums last year and after 3,500 miles, no issues what so ever. Actually run them in several V4's without issue. Cost a little more, but well worth it IMO, since they don't lose their gap as fast and don't foul as easy as the standard NGK plugs.
Lets see if I got this straight. There are resistor and non resistor wires, boots and plugs. The factory installs non resistor wires but uses resistor boots & plugs? As long as one of the three items is resistor (doesn't matter which) the TCI will be happy? If this is true which is the best to do the resisting...wires, boots or plugs?
I did DP8EA-9 plugs which are non resistor. I haven't tried non resistor boots yet.
Best spark plug

Ok - so what is the best spark plug to run? I have a stock 88 max with nology wires. Could use some help here .
Re: Best spark plug

Nology recommends non resistor plugs, stock ngk's are resistor, thats why im asking for opionions
Re: Best spark plug

Nology recommends non resistor plugs, stock ngk's are resistor, thats why im asking for opionions

I run the same heat of NGK's but with no resistor with my nology's.

124bhp at the wheel... Had 110 before the Nology's...

OK that's a lie... I put them on because I wanted red wires and thought... What the hell...:confused2:
i'm not sure but i run them with no problems whatsoever!

I wouldn't waste money buying specialty plugs,a.k.a. Snake oil.
i'm so with you on this !!! In my stock car i ran every different type of spark plug & .35-.75 thous'nths gap . Not one rpm difference ! aka snake oil ! Remember for combustion you need air , fuel , & spark , ( for better combustion you also need compression ) but the spark only causes the combustion ! The spark isn't the combustion ! Example , if you threw a match into the lid of a 1 gallon gas can half full of gas & ran , you would be alive to laugh about it ! If you threw the same match into a half full gasoline tanker truck , you would be dead ! Get it ! The spark only starts the combustion ! Without it , combustion will not happen ( in a gasoline engine ) , but it is , power wise , the least important ingredient !
NGK DPR8EA is the number.. Nippen Densos are also good and you can get them at the local auto parts store..

IMO a spark plug is a spark plug. I have tried many different style wires, from 7MM to Solid Core 8.0 tried split fires to irdiums and ya know what, not a **** bit of difference at the track.. which equals HP.. Talking about spark plugs is like talking about oil, gas grade, religion, politics..

All depends on your budget.. If ya money to burn get ya some high dollar wires and spark plugs may idle a lil bit smoother.
NGK has to be the cheapest plug on the market. that being said. you get what you pay for right.

I'm sick of ngk's fouling. some last for thousands of miles and some might last a day.

what other brands of plugs will work on a vmax.

? ?
Usually I find that an engine will run well on either a NGK or a champion, but not usually both. I'm running NGKs right now and they seem good, but I've heard stories of quite a number of bad plugs that they've sold lately.
I put E3's in mine and went from 100 miles to the tank to 110. They've been in for about a year with no problems.