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He got a little frisky in the early part of the ride, went past the leader and missed a turn. I think we could have had a lot of fun. Of course keep in mind I ride curves once a year and was not even on my bike. Not saying much in the way of excuses but it would have been bad to get run away from by me lol. I kind of felt sorry for the ducati's that pulled off when they didn't want to play.

You're going to like Morley's bars. Trust me on that. I installed the front Shinko today and I took it out to the logging roads to scuff it up. Man she dips great. Thanks for the recomendation. What's this BS about giving up the stage to Shaun at Eureka Springs? Doesn't sound like you.

Sean is right.. I did get waved on by the group leader and had know clue whr i was going :confused2:

I didnt' go very far and pull over to wait, but never did see them come up again..I backed tracked and NEVER did fine them again..Just about ran out of gas lookin' with no success. It was my fault..:bang head: I was ready to get moving and so i did ...All by myself..:damn angry: I got some riding in, but not with the group rides..Missed Friday and Saturday ride.. Next year i guess.. It would been fun riding out with everyone.. Next year we should breakup into 2 groups.. Fast group-:punk: somewhat fast group..
They wanted me to guide the fast group which I would happily do but I would have easily got us lost lol! If they would simply tell me stay on this road until such and such turn we'd be in good shape!
.. Next year we should breakup into 2 groups.. Fast group-:punk: somewhat fast group..

They wanted me to guide the fast group which I would happily do but I would have easily got us lost lol! If they would simply tell me stay on this road until such and such turn we'd be in good shape!

NO NEED for two groups. Where's the comradary in that? Fast riders at the lead. Slower riders towards the rear. Fast riders get to the next check point and have a longer rest period. Won't be 3 or 4 minutes (max) til the drag rider catches up, then off again on the next segment. SIMPLE.

The real trick is not to take any lead unless, and until you know the exact chosen route. Ride the route. Stop at the next check point/turn off. If you know you are going to hotrod down the hwy, just ask someone where the next planned junction is, and approx how far it may be.

Medium/fast riders may benefit from time trying to remain caught up with the faster riders, but if they end up riding with the 'slower' group, they don't get any challenge to gain while riding at the front of that group on their own..

I guess what I'm saying is a lot of us just enjoy the whole ride with the whole group. Personally, I wouldn't want to be split up and only see part of the guys n gals only at the motel after a long day in the seat.
Jim, i just like to ride til i'm on empty and fill up and keep on truckin' , but that's me and you see whr that got me.. :S Just once i get in ride mode i don't want to stop and wait @ every split of the Hwy..Guess i need to realize that i'm a Big group setting and need to think more about the group and not just myself..

Can't help wanting to hit it hard with my VMax Brothers and sisters..THat's what this bike is made for..Takin' it to the limit sometimes..

Shinko's Rock!! Luv the 011's 200/50-18 and the 003 180/55-18..

I get just about ALL my tires from
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