So the bike died on me this morning after riding home from work. The battery is a new(1month) old Odyssey. I charged it while I was sleeping, fired it up and am getting no charge voltage at the battery when running, high and low RPM.
I checked resistance at the stator plug, at least I think it is, I'll post some pics tomorrow, and the reading starts at 0.5, then slowly drops to 0.
If the stator is bad, are there any recommendations? I see Yamaha's part from Ron Ayers is $350. I see Dennis Kirk has a Ricks Motorsports brand for $132.
What have you guys put in?
I checked resistance at the stator plug, at least I think it is, I'll post some pics tomorrow, and the reading starts at 0.5, then slowly drops to 0.
If the stator is bad, are there any recommendations? I see Yamaha's part from Ron Ayers is $350. I see Dennis Kirk has a Ricks Motorsports brand for $132.
What have you guys put in?