Strange Noise

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May 17, 2006
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I'm a new owner of a 2005 V-Max with 5000km's and have a question regarding a noise that I hear on occasion when engaging the throttle. Sometimes I hear a high pitched noise almost like air coming from the front of the engine when I use the throttle or when I am gearing down and then use the throttle with the clutch engaged. Not sure if this is related to the V-boost or not. I would appriciate it if someone could help me out. Again, I'm a new owner so I apologize if this sounds like a simple question.
Does this noise happen at all rpms? If it happens below 6000 rpm, it's not your vboost. I would check for intake leaks, check all rubber boots on your airbox and also from the bottom of your carbs going into the intake manifold. Other than that, could it be your speedo cable?
To be totally honest I'm not sure but I believe it happens at all RPM's but I will confirm tonight. I will check the other items you indicated. I really appriciate the quick response.
You're welcome. That'll be $2. :hihi:

Something you could also do is put bike on center stand and run the motor in gear. While off the bike, rev the throttle a bit and see if you can pinpoint where the noise is coming from.

Good luck.
LOL!! That's a good idea actually. I will give that a try.

Happy riding!
Personally, I suspect it to be normal noises. The rear diff will make a whining noise at times. On a bike that new I wouldn't expect it to be something serious.

Be careful when you have it on the centerstand as it is easy to rev it and have it rock back and catch the tire on the ground. I would get it on the centerstand and then a jack behind that to keep it stable and touching the front tire on the ground.

Sean Morley
I would suspect the same as well but I guess where it's new to me I'm a little nervious.. Thanks for the tip about the jack I will definately do that.

If and air leak is suspect, you can use a can of starter fluid with the nozzle to hit pin-point areas while the bike is running. If the rpm's jump up right after a spray, you have found and air leak.

Watch what you spray and how much. Some meterials don't like starting fluid such as small rubber hoses & paint.
Good idea Calimus, WD40 also works. It'll bog the engine down if there's a leak.
ddonnelly said:
Thanks for the tips. I will try those also.

Where are you located? Maybe there is someone nearby that can listen to the noise and help you out.

I've narrowed down the source of this noise to the choke. When I first go to start the bike I always use the ckoke about half-way. When I start the bike I hear this noise. The when I adjust the choke wither more or less, I can feel the choke lever actuall move and then the noise again. Not sure what this or if it's serious.

Thanks again!
Yea, thats about all I hear with the choke as well. Like a sucking chest wound.