Suspension set up

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2011
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Out riding and I found when Im accelerating hard, the rear tire "skips"

I weigh 150lbs and was wondering if it was my weight or lack there of or if I can adjust the suspension to aid in the power delivery.

I usually ride RD's which dont have nearly as much power as the max so I have never had to "set up" a bike so to speak.


What's your rear tire pressure? The stock shocks are two-way adjustable so maybe adjust compression and/or preload to see if any improvement.
As the others said, you need to list more info on the bike. Especially the year and tire.

I've had a skipping sensation on a sport bike in hard turns. Adjusting the rebound fixed it. I don't think the V Max's have rebound adjustment, but I'm thinking if its suspension in your case, its either just out of adjustment or worn out shock. It could be air pressure, tires, wheel bearings swingarm bearings, shocks.

I would start by checking the tire and pressure and setting up the rear shocks properly for preload(sag). I'm new to V Max so I may have to be corrected, but I'm thinking the number on top of the shock is damping, and in your case should be set to 1, and it will be facing to the side of the bike. I think there is instructions somewhere on this site on how to set sag.

If that doesn't correct it I would lift the bike up and check for freeplay in the wheel bearings and swingarm.
There are a lot of these dam rotarys where I live. With stock Dunlops (worst tire imho) I skipped around the circles with any throttle applied.Tried pressures, suspention settings. I'm 200 lbs.Different tires changed all that.
I figured, Yamaha knew what their doing, these MUST be good tires, as I got off that stock seat to get feeling back in my ass and legs and proceded to walk into church to thank the good Lord for letting those stock early Gen 1 calipers barely stop my bike. Didn't know I'd be back in church when I got the speedo in triple digits.
There are a lot of these dam rotarys where I live. With stock Dunlops (worst tire imho) I skipped around the circles with any throttle applied.Tried pressures, suspention settings. I'm 200 lbs.Different tires changed all that.
I figured, Yamaha knew what their doing, these MUST be good tires, as I got off that stock seat to get feeling back in my ass and legs and proceded to walk into church to thank the good Lord for letting those stock early Gen 1 calipers barely stop my bike. Didn't know I'd be back in church when I got the speedo in triple digits.

Now that I think about it, had a friend with a Honda Magna that did something I would descrive as the rear dancing around. It did it, not so much under acceleration, but going straight on crowned roads.
Seems like old tires was the culprit.
The tires are dunlop qualifiers, with 32 psi in them.
The swingarm is tight and the shocks do have dampening adjustment on them along with preload.

It only does it when Im really accelerating HARD.

How do the dunlops compare to other tires and what is the best tire out there that has been found to work on this bike?

Wheel spin you mean? I have Avon radials and have wheel spin, kinda like it...