T.S.A. - Too Stupid to Analyze

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Define bad ... I walk through scanners every month. Hell - I'd arrive at the Terminal naked and dress there if it would speed things up! Political Correctness not logic is the reason everyone is treated the same. EVERYONE needs to be scrutinized but let's use our mind's not heart's. Life's not fair - just ask the Japanese, German and Italian CITIZENS that were quarantined in their own country. The scanners play a role but too much emphases is placed on them. They don't detect items in the rectum
and the TSA folks don't have the training to distinguish an alert caused by some jock with a Joe Willie knee replacement or Richard Reid. (shoe bomber) We know who the enemy is. This ain't no time to be ******* around!
Doing real well. Got me a good hot gal and a little girl now!


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I found that one can get a TSA Barney Fife badge if they have not been convicted of a sex crime within the last 10 yrs or if they did a sex crime but was found to be insane at the time.
A TSA'er was just arrested for a sexual assault. He needs to plead Cpt Insano or hurry up and just plead plain guilty so he can get back on the job in 10 yrs. He's gonna miss out on some good nudies and some serious groping. While he's in the can, I'm sure he'll get plenty of OJT on fondling. :biglaugh:
The king's LH porker, Janet, stated most people weren't usest to getting a real law enforcement, criminal search. First, these tards aren't real law. Second, they prob aren't usest to it because they're NOT CRIMINALS.
When that little boy had to remove his shirt, there was prob a guy on the no fly list that walked past grinning.
I've done a lot of travel for Uncle Sugar. Many of these 'agents' remind me of mall cops. I'd have my ID's and/ or NATO orders, yet they'd act past suspicious and give the tuff guy Barney look at times. Some goofy chit.
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I promise to give this a break but when I read that T.S.A. was advertising for employment on Dominos pizza box's, "A Career Where X-ray Vision and Federal Benefits Come Standard." I couldn't resist. You couldn't make this stuff up!
New TSA signs at the airport :

You can't see London , you can't see France , unless we see your underpants !

You wanna fly ? Drop your fly !

We've handled more balls than Barney Frank !

Grope discounts available !

you can get past their walls if they get to feel your ballz

youre stuck in their rut til they get to feel your butt

"excuse me"//??/"

"i said, move on to the next tests"
Full body cavity search will be next after an attempt is made to get past security this way. Then you will see flying come to a screeching halt.
A.F.L.C.I.O. is supporting their position ! Potential union members !

Think trains , & busses next. Need more personnel to make sure we're safe. What next ?????

" Don't worry pal , my hands are still warm from the last guy "

"Don't worry, the fat guy in front of you got the gloves all warmed up for you"

When I wrote that paper a few years ago, an article had just come out about how undercover gov't agents "auditing" the TSA managed to sneak mock IED's through 12 major US airports, not a single one being spotted through the security checkpoints. They even made it supposedly easy by using items on the "high risk" list they're supposed to be specifically watching for. What came of this audit? Absolutely nothing. It could have been twelve real bombs and twelve real planes gone down, but apparently that isn't a good enough reason.

They know they're practically impotent to actually find anything. How often do you hear about TSA making a big "bust", actually finding a threat? I never have. All this is just deterrent. It's like a plywood cop car behind a billboard....everyone hits the brakes the first time until they pass it once and realize it's just a deterrent, and there's no consequence to ignoring it.
Changing direction slightly... but did you guys see this?
Pretty scary what could happen if a towel head thought of it.

"A young Chinese man has caused a stir after he successfully boarded a flight from Hong Kong to Canada elaborately disguised as an elderly white male.

US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said today the case raises concerns about a security breach that terrorists might exploit."


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'We are now free to move about your pants !'

'New TSA signs at the airport :
You can't see London , you can't see France , unless we see your underpants !
You wanna fly ? Drop your fly !
We've handled more balls than Barney Frank !
Grope discounts available !'

'you can get past their walls if they get to feel your ballz
youre stuck in their rut til they get to feel your butt '

I see some serious talent here.

" If we did our job any better , we'd have to buy you dinner ! "

This sort of humor is all over the right wing sites........ not that I would visit them or anything ! :rofl_200:
Happened to catch this on a news blog today. Thought it was worth passing around. The more you know...

Memo leaked yesterday, "enhanced pat-down" (ie-groping your genitalia) was instituted as humiliating punishment for not going through the scanner. Was not introduced because of any security issue.
Anyone who speaks out against this is labeled as a "domestic extremist" and put on a list. (O yes, there is a list.)
All naked scans are stored in a database as well.
The scanners are going to be put in bus and train stations, malls, sporting events etc.

Since China is big on having lead in everything, they should whip up some lead underpants to defeat the x-ray scanners.