taking off front wheel

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Oct 3, 2009
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I have to take off my front wheel, I got the front of the bike up on two jacks (lifting from the engine guards) Tire touches the ground when handle bars are straight, but not when I cut the wheel. Wondering if there is any technique to taking off the front tire, I know with hydraulic disc brakes on my mountain bike will lock up if you depress the breaks while the disc is out of the caliper...Anything like that to think about with a front tire? should I torque wrench the bolts to see what they are tightened at right now?

Thanks, Al
I have to take off my front wheel, I got the front of the bike up on two jacks (lifting from the engine guards) Tire touches the ground when handle bars are straight, but not when I cut the wheel. Wondering if there is any technique to taking off the front tire, I know with hydraulic disc brakes on my mountain bike will lock up if you depress the breaks while the disc is out of the caliper...Anything like that to think about with a front tire? should I torque wrench the bolts to see what they are tightened at right now?

Thanks, Al

Check this out Al, http://www.vmaxforum.net/showthread.php?t=9876

I wouldn't bother checking torque on dis-assembly, just make sure everything's torqued properly when you re-assemble.
Yeah guy.

I should have done pictures and did a write up.

I had never taken off the wheel prior to this, but I used my haynes manual and followed it step for step. I didn't depress the brakes - so I can't advise on such - and I don't recommend trying it :)

If you need the step by step let me know and I'll grab the Haynes and do you a quick write up if you need.

If you are only taking off the wheel - make sure you don't detach the brake cable. Just pop the two bolts holding the calipers on.

Don't bother finding out what they are torqued to now - as they could be improperly torqued as is. Just torque them properly upon re-install.

They slide off and can hang back (I propped mine up as not to stress the lines, but they seem pretty tough).

There is a bolt by the axle nut that you must remove before spinning the axle bolt out.

Then you pull the axle bolt out.

Putting it in was tougher than getting it out. It's only threaded about an inch - so when you notice that you are spinning your wrench and the bolt isn't moving - you then have to pull it out.

Let us know if you have any further questions!
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Yeah two questions, Is it safe to jack the bike up from the engine guards? It's the only place I can see to do it from that makes sense. Exhaust runs all along the bottom of the bike. No frame to lift from.

Also noticed while it was up, the head on the axle bolt looks a a little stripped, anyone know where I can get a replacement?

Thanks for the info


very safe to do by engine guards, i do it all the time. it actually prefer it to the frame as its easier.

Are you talking about the front axle pinch bolt or the axle itself?
I always put jack stands under my engine guards - 100% fine. I jack it up under the center of the engine first.

I have a front axle + nut for sale if you need one, make me an offer I can't refuse! They are about $30 new.
by far hardest part was getting the axle bolt out.... **** was stuck like chuck.
I usually use a two ton roll jack with a 2x4 piece of wood underneath across the bottom of the bike. Jack it up and then use a hammer with a phillips long screw driver to work the axle bolt out of the axle housing.
One other thing to note when removing the front axle is that on the right side a spacer will fall out and on the left side the speedometer gear may or may not fall out. As soon as you move the wheel it probably will come off the wheel. When installing the axle make sure that the speedometer gear gets fitted back into the wheel AND the lower fork leg. Also the spacer on the right side will be a tight fit, as it should be.
It may be a little tricky but it will go back together, good luck!
If you polish up the axle and keep it greased it will slide right out. Mine comes out with my fingers. Took it off twice today cause the first time I mounted it, I forgot to put the fender on before the tire! Kinda looked good with out though.

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