(It's Not What You Think)
I'd like to thank Hillary Clinton.
Yes, you read that right. But it's not what you think...
I'd like to thank Hillary Clinton for telling me all kinds of things even I didn't know about myself.
You see, Clinton recently spoke at the National Council for Behavioral Health Conference in Maryland. According to The Blaze, she suggested that a culture where "anybody can have a gun" would lead to a nation with "no rule of law and no self-control," and warned against the "dire consequences of the gun culture."
I don't know about you, but as a responsibly armed and law-abiding American, I take those words very personally.
What she's doing here is suggesting a completely biased—not to mention unsubstantiated—correlation between "anybody with a gun" and "a lack of law and self-control."
Hmmm. Let me think about that for a minute.
I own a gun and I carry that gun with me at all times. I respect the law. And thus far in my life, I have never once had the urge or the occasion to shoot someone. So by logic of Hillary's "correlation," I also exhibit self-control.
And isn't that the exact opposite of how she "defined" me?
But here's the funny part. That's not even the most disturbing thing Clinton spewed off in her speech.
After further suggesting that soon there will be guns "everywhere," Clinton went on to warn "that such a culture could increase incidents of theater shootings over trivial matters such as someone chewing gum too loud or using their cell phone."
Are you kidding me? The only scenario she can image is someone pulling a gun on someone for chewing their gum too loudly?
I think Hillary has lost all confidence in the human race.
Because here's the thing: I actually DO go to movies. And I actually HAVE experienced loud gum chewers and loud cell phone talkers a time or two. And do you know what I do when I encounter people like that? I ask them to keep it down!
Whatever happened to simply making a polite request of someone?
So once again, I'd like to thank Hillary Clinton for highlighting the real problem here. It's not guns. And it's not law-abiding citizens like you and me. It's the people who simply refuse to recognize that the only correlation between "guns" and "no rule of law" is that there IS no correlation!
So now, Hillary, I have a request for YOU. Please refrain from "defining" responsibly armed Americans with guns when you clearly are not one. Take Care and Stay Safe,
Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder
P.S. - The truth is, good guys and gals with guns actually help to reduce crime.

Yes, you read that right. But it's not what you think...
I'd like to thank Hillary Clinton for telling me all kinds of things even I didn't know about myself.
You see, Clinton recently spoke at the National Council for Behavioral Health Conference in Maryland. According to The Blaze, she suggested that a culture where "anybody can have a gun" would lead to a nation with "no rule of law and no self-control," and warned against the "dire consequences of the gun culture."
I don't know about you, but as a responsibly armed and law-abiding American, I take those words very personally.
What she's doing here is suggesting a completely biased—not to mention unsubstantiated—correlation between "anybody with a gun" and "a lack of law and self-control."
Hmmm. Let me think about that for a minute.
I own a gun and I carry that gun with me at all times. I respect the law. And thus far in my life, I have never once had the urge or the occasion to shoot someone. So by logic of Hillary's "correlation," I also exhibit self-control.
And isn't that the exact opposite of how she "defined" me?
But here's the funny part. That's not even the most disturbing thing Clinton spewed off in her speech.
After further suggesting that soon there will be guns "everywhere," Clinton went on to warn "that such a culture could increase incidents of theater shootings over trivial matters such as someone chewing gum too loud or using their cell phone."
Are you kidding me? The only scenario she can image is someone pulling a gun on someone for chewing their gum too loudly?
I think Hillary has lost all confidence in the human race.
Because here's the thing: I actually DO go to movies. And I actually HAVE experienced loud gum chewers and loud cell phone talkers a time or two. And do you know what I do when I encounter people like that? I ask them to keep it down!
Whatever happened to simply making a polite request of someone?
So once again, I'd like to thank Hillary Clinton for highlighting the real problem here. It's not guns. And it's not law-abiding citizens like you and me. It's the people who simply refuse to recognize that the only correlation between "guns" and "no rule of law" is that there IS no correlation!
So now, Hillary, I have a request for YOU. Please refrain from "defining" responsibly armed Americans with guns when you clearly are not one. Take Care and Stay Safe,

Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder
P.S. - The truth is, good guys and gals with guns actually help to reduce crime.