Trump or Hillary???

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I must admit I'm surprised Trump won. The GOP held onto Congress too. So there is no excuse for Trump to not deliver on what he promised.
The American people have been sick and tired for a looooong time with the way things have been going this country, last night we had our chance to send a message to Washington, I voted Trump and am willing to take the chance with him, I think he means what he says and he will have our best interest in mind when leading our country, I'm looking foreward to seeing what he does in the first 100 days in office................:clapping:................Tom.
The American people have been sick and tired for a looooong time with the way things have been going this country, last night we had our chance to send a message to Washington, I voted Trump and am willing to take the chance with him, I think he means what he says and he will have our best interest in mind when leading our country, I'm looking foreward to seeing what he does in the first 100 days in office................:clapping:................Tom.

The good thing is he'll have no excuse to not deliver on his promises.

So in the first 100 days he should able to:

> Repeal Obamacare.
> Introduce a plan to reduce rising medical costs
> Start taking out ISIS with his super secret plan
> Deport millions of illegal immigrants
> Create more jobs per month than the current trend

With the control of both House and Senate, no excuse not to get those done.

After a year of his presidency:

> ISIS should be completely eliminated.
> Show considerable progress on the wall at no expense to American taxpayers.
> Show considerable progress on taking care of our veterans.
> Have a year of proof he's greatly improved the economy for the middle class.
> Have demonstrable proof he's brought back manufacturing to America.
> Has fixed the rising costs of health care.
> Has demonstrable proof his "Law and Order" initiatives have reduced crimes in places like Chicago and Baltimore.

The economy has only been going up since the recession. But as he often said when he campaigned, it wasn't going up enough. He claimed he could improve it. So there's no excuse for any downward trends economically. After all, his supposed business acumen is why he's the man for the job. As he campaigned that Obamacare is a shit show. So repealing it and proving he has a better plan should show positive results in a relatively short amount of time since Obamacare is so horrible. I don't expect him to meet all of his campaign promises, no president ever does. But there are plenty of points to measure his effectiveness in whatever area he chooses to focus on as his priorities. I would think the economy and ISIS would be on top of that list, but we will see.
I was pleasantly surprised to See that Trump beat Clinton, and the Republicans have the House and Senate so we'll see what they can do. First order is to get the Supreme Court back in order then right after that finalize the proceedings against Clinton!
Trump is leading by the slimmest of margins in Michigan, with only 8 counties in Michigan voting democrat( which is normal and they are all the high population counties) it is always a tight race. obuma won Michigan by 9.5% last time. Where I voted the turnout was pretty heavy and one worker remarked that she had never seen so many voters! Like Tom mentioned, this is a message from the people that we want real change not the superfluous changes the last group of government put forth.

Michigan's pending results:
The Supreme court is the big win here. Our constitution in tact the way it was written, and has the best chance of being preserved,now.
I got a letter saying I'll be paying for my insulin two days ago. So, if Obama care goes first, that's fine with me. Every month my medical cost rises. I won't be riding if I have to pay for my meds. I pay for two health plans.
Name a president or politician that came through on every promise made during an election, please. Hillary Clinton not being president is a great start to my day. Now all the people that said they's leave the country if Trump won can start packing. God Bless America!
Now all the people that said they's leave the country if Trump won can start packing. God Bless America!

Looking forward to the departure of All Sharpton, Jess Jackson, and the rest. If only they would live up to their promises.
Name a president or politician that came through on every promise made during an election, please.

I'm assuming that was directed at me. As I said in my previous post, I don't expect Trump to meet all his promises, no president ever does. But there's still ways we can measure if the country has gotten better or worse under the Trump administration. The right has been doing it with the Obama administration. And I'm pretty certain they'd be doing it if Clinton had won as well. Trump is no exception. If he claims he's going to make America great again, he has to prove it. But I don't hold any grand delusions he'll be held accountable by his own party. Dems didn't do it with Clinton or Obama. Republicans certainly won't do it with Trump. Like Trump said, he could shoot someone in the street and his supporters will cheer him. Hell he wasn't even kidding -- vets gave him a pass on shitting on PoWs, then clearly they'll give him a pass on anything.
America Won:Trump, the House and the Senate. You may be very surprised what this Great Man can do.....

Oh, what a night it was and oh, what a day it is! I still can't believe that the long, national nightmare of Barack Hussein Obama is going to be over and that we will have avoided the catastrophe of Hillary Clinton becoming president. I will issue a caveat that my mother, of blessed memory, would always remind me: EVIL NEVER RESTS. As sweet and wonderful as last night was and still is, we did not defeat the Left. We merely put a four- to eight-year halt to the 100-year counterrevolution. Because sure as the sun rises in the east, the Left is plotting, scheming and figuring out ways, legal and otherwise, to regain power and complete the transformation of a battered and bruised nation.

The Leviathan will be regulating unrelentingly, the media will be propagandizing even more ferociously and academia will be brainwashing more insidiously than ever before. We dared slap them in the face and shout "stop!" Once the shock has worn off, they will be back at it. And in four years time, though the Clintons may be gone, an already Marxist party will become even more rabid as Elizabeth Warren or some other freak of that ilk becomes the face of that party.
I hope and pray with every fiber of my being that Trump and Pence can at least begin the process of reversing course. We have to recognize the decades-long destruction will not be reversed in one election, and maybe not even in four or more. We have to lay the groundwork here and now for the long war and make a plan to take back our institutions, most crucially our schools. We have to dismantle the welfare state and save black America. We have to have our own project to try and take back New York and California. We need to move the Article V process forward. If we throw up our hands and just say it's impossible, then last night will have been for nothing. I'm tired of elections having consequences only if our side loses. Let's play for all the marbles starting now.
Anyway, apologies for chucking a bucket of cold water on the celebration. It really is sweet, all the more for the bitterness we have so long endured. Congratulations to United States President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence. May G-d bless you and give you the strength, wisdom and courage to unite us and preserve the Republic. G-d Bless America.

The Morning Report 11/9/16 [J.J. Sefton]

—Open Blogger
The Supreme court is the big win here. Our constitution in tact the way it was written, and has the best chance of being preserved,now.
I got a letter saying I'll be paying for my insulin two days ago. So, if Obama care goes first, that's fine with me. Every month my medical cost rises. I won't be riding if I have to pay for my meds. I pay for two health plans.
Name a president or politician that came through on every promise made during an election, please. Hillary Clinton not being president is a great start to my day. Now all the people that said they's leave the country if Trump won can start packing. God Bless America!

You nailed it, the Supreme Court is a huge part of this. We are almost assured that the highest court in the land will not be compromised by a liberal majority. Aside from Hillary's absence this is a significant plus! Shes giving the concession speech now and ive got wood :clapping:
I was up at 3'00 to see trump win,Thank god hillary is gone.I just hope everyone gives him a chance before they start slamming him,He's got the best advisors and a hell of a lot of common sense,I personally think this country just got a whole lot better,If he does half of what he sais.Could it go the other way i suppose,Just don't think so.The way i feel about it we just went from pee wee herman to charles atlas.Like i said eariler he's the only hope we got.Glad i voted.Just give him a shot.Still not gonna do things everyone likes.Not gonna be perfect.Im damn glad he won.GO TRUMP!!
The good thing is he'll have no excuse to not deliver on his promises.

So in the first 100 days he should able to:

> Repeal Obamacare.
> Introduce a plan to reduce rising medical costs
> Start taking out ISIS with his super secret plan
> Deport millions of illegal immigrants
> Create more jobs per month than the current trend

With the control of both House and Senate, no excuse not to get those done.

After a year of his presidency:

> ISIS should be completely eliminated.
> Show considerable progress on the wall at no expense to American taxpayers.
> Show considerable progress on taking care of our veterans.
> Have a year of proof he's greatly improved the economy for the middle class.
> Have demonstrable proof he's brought back manufacturing to America.
> Has fixed the rising costs of health care.
> Has demonstrable proof his "Law and Order" initiatives have reduced crimes in places like Chicago and Baltimore.

The economy has only been going up since the recession. But as he often said when he campaigned, it wasn't going up enough. He claimed he could improve it. So there's no excuse for any downward trends economically. After all, his supposed business acumen is why he's the man for the job. As he campaigned that Obamacare is a shit show. So repealing it and proving he has a better plan should show positive results in a relatively short amount of time since Obamacare is so horrible. I don't expect him to meet all of his campaign promises, no president ever does. But there are plenty of points to measure his effectiveness in whatever area he chooses to focus on as his priorities. I would think the economy and ISIS would be on top of that list, but we will see.
This all still has to go through the house and senate.And all that are against him,They ain't going down without a fight.The status quotes and the upper classThey could give a shit less about the working class.Hillary passed three bills in 30 years.Damn give him a lil time.
This all still has to go through the house and senate.And all that are against him,They ain't going down without a fight.The status quotes and the upper classThey could give a shit less about the working class.Hillary passed three bills in 30 years.Damn give him a lil time.

This is very correct. However now for the first time since 1922 one party has majority of the House and Senate it was a nationwide even State and County Wide where I am from Republican nominees won. I bet that trumps time in office will get more things accomplished than other presidents
This all still has to go through the house and senate.And all that are against him,They ain't going down without a fight.The status quotes and the upper classThey could give a shit less about the working class.Hillary passed three bills in 30 years.Damn give him a lil time.

The Republicans control both the House and Senate. This will be the easiest time for him to get things through. I'm just going by what he said he would do. I wasn't making any of this up. He said he was going to start deporting millions of illegal immigrants on day one of his presidency. His words. Not mine.

He said he had a 100% full proof plan to defeat ISIS quickly. That when he took office, the Generals have 30 days to submit their plans for ISIS. Not sure why he would need their plan since his was full proof 100%, but whatever -- his words. Not mine.

As far as giving him a chance. Sure. I'm giving it to him. He's been telling me the last several months how shitty this country is and how he alone can fix it. Fix it so fast it will make my head spin I believe was the term he used. He wanted the job of the president. Part of his pitch for the job was fixing this fucked up nation fast. So all I'm doing is holding him to his sales pitch. Again, I don't expect him to deliver on all his promises or timeline, but I'd like to see progress on whatever he makes his priority.
Just wanted to put my final thoughts on this so I can at least put where I'm coming from.

I didn't like either candidate. I especially didn't like Trump. His comments regarding McCain and PoWs disgusted me and I will never forgive him for that. Especially considering his history of dodging the Vietnam war.

But I don't think this country is worse or better now that Trump will be president. For me it was a race to the bottom regardless of who won. So my following sentiment was and would be the same if Clinton won last night.

This country is eating itself. We are beyond what any president can do. Perhaps this country always has been and i was just too young and dumb to see it. Now I'm just old and dumb, but I at least can see how divided we are as a nation.

And we are divided because of US -- the citizens of this country -- not because of a politician. But because of US and how we treat each other. Neither side has a halo or can claim higher ground in this context. I used to think we were Americans first... then Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, etc 2nd. That made sense to me because being AMERICAN was a common denominator that bound us together despite our differences. But this election has proven to me that's not the case at all. The majority of Americans put party before country. And they'll gladly see the country go down in flames as long as the other party doesn't win.

Studies and polls show that half of each party thinks the other party is evil and dangerous. Roughly 50% of Republicans hate Democrats and roughly 50% of Democrats hate Republicans. And we as a nation have drawn our lines in the sand and planted the American flag on our respective sides and equate patriotism with hating the other party.

Not calling Danny out here, but since it was posted today, I can use it as an example. Just look at language of that post -- claiming "Evil never rests." That "evil" is other Americans. Americans who want the same success of and for America but have a different opinion on how to get there. That blog post wasn't written by a politician. It was written by a citizen. Like the thousands of blog posts and memes all of us see on our social meed feeds every day. These are words written by citizens against citizens and reposted, liked, retweeted, and shared by citizens. And the left has their memes and blog posts too claiming Republicans are the harbingers of doom.

None of that vitriol is written by a politician... it's all being written by the citizenry of this country. We are eating ourselves and pointing fingers at Obama and Trump saying they're causing it. I say bullshit. It's on us. We own it. We have no respect for one other and certainly no tolerance for differing opinions. And our representatives in government are only mirroring how we're treating each other.

I don't think Trump can fix this country. Not because I don't like him, but because I don't think any president can at this point. We have to fix ourselves. But that requires humility. And in 2016 humility is a dirty word.

I'm glad the election is over. We will have some peace and quiet until Trump takes office. And then the cycle starts up again of everyone bickering at each other -- the Hatfields vs McCoys.

I love this country and want to see a strong middle class return. But I am a pessimist by nature, which is a personal flaw I have tried so hard to remedy. I think it's just the way my brain is wired. And I have lost faith in the possibility of finding common ground among our citizenry. But again, perhaps I was too dumb to see we never had it in the first place.

My sincere respect to each and every one of you. God bless.
You posted what was perhaps the most sane and truthful post I've read on this disgrace of an election. Good job!
i think is full of shit...

the way he talks he´s planning to do a iron hand thing,and treating a country economy like if it was a business.
he cant do that.
in a business you can fire people to aim a goal,what is he gonna do on a country?
he said he will low taxes like no seen,but from where will the money come?

i think america lost.with both candidats.
I see that it is best to not voice opinion and sit back and enjoy the ride... I forecast that Obama on his last day waves to the country and says "keep the change!"
As long as he doesn't declare martial law because of some protesters , hoodlums and thugs from some nefarious pay for play arms of the democratic / socialist party .

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