Trump or Hillary???

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I totally disagree with the MR **** you as nominee... TRUMP is the ONLY one ever to go against the establishment, corruption and greed that pollutes Washington. He is for the people.. FINALLY! Sure, it's TRUMP, but, the world works in comical ways sometimes.

DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington DC. VOTE TRUMP! I can't wait. What a time to be alive..truly historic.

INFOWARS, Alex Jones, Drudge, Wikileaks awesome. Corrupt Hillary, lock her up.
I saw Hillary two days ago and Marco Rubio speaking at college locally. The early voting site on my college campus is doing a brisk business. Already reported to be 1,000,000+ having voted in FL.
I totally disagree with the MR **** you as nominee... TRUMP is the ONLY one ever to go against the establishment, corruption and greed that pollutes Washington. He is for the people.. FINALLY! Sure, it's TRUMP, but, the world works in comical ways sometimes.

DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington DC. VOTE TRUMP! I can't wait. What a time to be alive..truly historic.

INFOWARS, Alex Jones, Drudge, Wikileaks awesome. Corrupt Hillary, lock her up.
I agree he our nominee,Damn sure don't want hillary.
I totally disagree with the MR **** you as nominee... TRUMP is the ONLY one ever to go against the establishment, corruption and greed that pollutes Washington. He is for the people.. FINALLY! Sure, it's TRUMP, but, the world works in comical ways sometimes.

DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington DC. VOTE TRUMP! I can't wait. What a time to be alive..truly historic.

INFOWARS, Alex Jones, Drudge, Wikileaks awesome. Corrupt Hillary, lock her up.

We can agree to disagree then. Trump bragged about paying politicians to get what he wanted. It's on video. Its not taken out of context. He straight up bragged about it. It was brought up in the primary debates and he bragged about it again. He was part of the corruption we all hate in politics. And it's worked in his favor. He donates to Florida AG Pam Bondi and shortly after his donation she drops the investigation on Trump U.

So Trump admits he does it - he actively participates in the pay to play corruption as a businessman. And then a couple of months later when evidence is provided proving he in fact did exactly what he claims he does -- supporters let it pass or act like it's some crazy conspiracy theory by the liberal media.

You believe he'll change the corruption. I don't. I don't think he's going to change what has worked for him. Especially now that he'll be on the receiving end of that money flow.

He's got big deals pending in many countries - and given his track record I have no doubt he would use the power of the Oval Office as influence to ensure those pending deals get pushed through - all for his personal gain. What will keep him from wasting tax payer money? He's not paying taxes so it's not wasting HIS money -- just mine and yours.

All I dare people to do is put the same filter of skepticism on Trump that they do on HRC and if they're honest about it -- they'll see he doesn't pass muster either.
I think we can all agree that Trump is not the ideal candidate, but Hillary is SO MUCH WORSE, even to the point of treason. It's the same old story, we have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. I think Kennedy and Reagan were the last candidates people actually voted FOR. Otherwise, we had to vote AGAINST the one we disliked most.
An interesting article on Springsteen's music intent, and the people who seem to be the subjects of his 'down & out' songs, like "Youngstown."

These mills they built the tanks and bombs that won this country’s wars” — Bruce Springsteen, “Youngstown”

Bob Wilson was coming of age when sulfur stung the night sky and the valley glowed with molten steel. Scarfers hissed, slag cooled, unions marched like armies and train tracks knew no rust. Weeks were flush with paychecks and promises in a potent vision of America that would vanish before Wilson stepped too far into manhood.

“You could watch it all from a bridge,” said Wilson, an auto mechanic with the deep gaze of a marksman. “Hot ladles and steel and men working. Then it was gone.”

Bruce Springsteen immortalized the nobility of men who once stood before the furnaces and the betrayals of a collapsing steel industry. His 1995 song “Youngstown,” a poetic elegy in a vast working-class canon, is still revered by the city that inspired it.

But many of the machinists, miners and laborers who embody Springsteen’s lyrics from the Rust Belt to the Appalachian coal fields have turned to the swagger of
Donald Trump in a long-denied bid for redemption. Springsteen’s politics may have stayed liberal since he played Stambaugh Auditorium here two decades ago, but economic decline, foreign competition, crime and abandoned mills have turned many in Youngstown — notably blue-collar white men — toward the right-wing, isolationist politics of a billionaire reality-TV show star.

“I call it the pissed-off steel workers party. A lot of people like someone who causes trouble. That’s why Trump is so popular,” said Wilson, sitting in the dim of his hillside shop in the slipping away hours of a warm afternoon. “Why am I voting for him? He’s not
Hillary Clinton.” He smiled, turned the radio low. “You know, my entire adult life I’ve been voting for the lesser of two evils.”

A little farther down the Mahoning River, where scrap metal shone dull in the thicket and broken pallets were scattered like bones, Bill Skinner climbed down from polishing the top of his truck and told the rag man he’d pay him something next week. He pulled off his gloves, lighted a cigarette and railed that Muslims want to impose Islamic law, political correctness imperils masculinity and jobs keep dying or getting sent to Mexico or China.

"Steel is wiped out and Obama is wiping out the coal and mining industries. Hillary wants to finish what he started. Our country is $20 trillion in debt. America has gone from the toilet to the sewer, ” he said. “Hillary and anyone connected to her should be in jail. If anyone’s going to stop this nonsense, it’s a guy from the outside.”

Unlike President Reagan, who in the 1980s invoked the “Born in the U.S.A.”-era Springsteen as a symbol of hope, Trump, who is running a tight race with Clinton in Ohio, has not celebrated the singer. Springsteen is a progressive who campaigned relentlessly for President Obama. His vision of the country is a communion of ragged, defiant and giving souls who find shared meaning in sacrifice and restless glimmers of ungraspable dreams.

In a recent interview with British television, he called Trump “a con man” and a “flagrant, toxic narcissist.” But he acknowledged that much of the nation — like characters in his songs “The River” and “Death to My Hometown” — feels battered by Wall Street and abandoned by the Democratic and Republican parties.

“You have 30 to 40 years of de-industrialization and globalization of the economy, so there are a lot of people who were left out of that,” Springsteen said. “Voices have been fundamentally ignored and not heard. These are folks who feel Donald Trump has been listening to them and speaks for them on some level.”

Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Marvin Gaye, Neil Young and other songwriters have articulated the upheavals and divisions that have shaken the land. Wars, poverty, civil rights, prescription drug abuse and police shootings of black men rouse and reveal the national conscience and alter the political landscape.
Springsteen’s words and voice — the rasp of a corner boy grown into a man — are rooted in a childhood shaped by factory myths, yearnings and disappointments, a tormented and bruising father and a New Jersey that would abide no weakness. Those themes and a desire to champion the ones who dwell in the “darkness at the edge of town” buttress his new memoir, “Born to Run.”

Read more at the link.
I think we can all agree that Trump is not the ideal candidate, but Hillary is SO MUCH WORSE, even to the point of treason. It's the same old story, we have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. I think Kennedy and Reagan were the last candidates people actually voted FOR. Otherwise, we had to vote AGAINST the one we disliked most.

Insulting a POW and having a potential first lady that has nudes on the internet and barely speaks English -- that's not an ideal candidate. In my opinion, Trump is FAR worse than "not an ideal candidate." He is absolutely on par with HRC. But I say ignore the ridiculous things about Trump.

Just look at his record. Look deep into is just as everyone has with HRC.

Look at the THOUSANDS of lawsuits this man has on-going. Where there is smoke there is fire. How can anyone NOT be concerned by a man with so many lawsuits?

Look at the his history of the lawsuits brought against him. Cases where he has stiffed contractors for MILLIONS of dollars owed for work done. Look at what he did when his casinos started tanking -- he fired a bunch of executives and then reneged on their severances. Look at other cases like when he bought expensive jewelry at Bulgari on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, then colluded with the store to have empty boxes supposedly containing his purchase shipped out of state so he could dodge New York sales tax -- it's in court records!

Look at his use of the Trump Foundation, a supposed charity, to pay for his legal fees for all those lawsuits. Look at his admission of pay to play politics and his use of it. Look at his sudden hike in rent in his own tower for his own campaign HQ once he was no longer paying for his campaign out of his own pocket and the RNC was footing the bill. Look at the bankruptcies. Look at the reason he hasn't paid taxes in almost 20 years -- he lost a billion dollars in one year but lost even more throughout the 80s and 90s.

Remember the USFL? Ever wondered what happened to it? Look it up, and you'll see a familiar name who was a big part to it's demise.

Look at his history of casinos in Atlantic City and their eventual failures.

Look up this quote and see who said it and the context of it: “People will spend a tremendous amount of money in casinos, money that they would normally spend on buying a refrigerator or a new car. Local businesses will suffer because they’ll lose dollars to the casino.”

Look up Marvin Roffman - a casino analyst who in 1990 was asked by the Wall Street Journal to give his analysis on Trump's soon to open Taj. Roffman predicted the casino wouldn't make it -- the market just wasn't there. Trump got pissed, got the man fired, publically berated him -- sound like familiar behavior? And guess what? Roffman's prediction was spot on. The Taj failed within a month of when Roffman predicted it would. Roffman ended up winning a lawsuit against Trump for the damage he caused to his career.

Look at the condition of Trump's businesses by the time he started the apprentice in the early 2000s. So many investors had taken so many losses that he couldn't get financing in the states -- he had to go to the Caymen Islands branch of the UBS.

Look at what happened to Trump Tower Tampa, Trump Hollywood, Trump International Hotel, Tower Fort Lauderdale, Trump Ocean Resort Baja Mexico. All failures and Trump blamed the contractors on all of them. Has this man ever admitted to making a mistake? Investors lost millions of dollars but he made money in licensing fees.

If this was a list of HRC's transgressions(and she's got a long list) I know people would read this, but since it's facts on Trump, not Hillary no one is going read them.

If this was just a matter of someone who speaks their mind and offends people -- it would be one thing -- but this man is FAR beyond "not ideal" in my opinion.

At the end of the day there's nothing anyone can do now. He's the candidate and he's not Hillary. So people will vote for him. But to think he's better than Clinton. I respectfully disagree.

Why do I keep harping on this? Because there was ONE way to ensure HRC doesn't get in the White House. And that way depended on the GOP to have their crap together and put up a viable candidate. The only thing he has going for him is he isn't HRC. And that's just not going to be enough to win IMO. It has nothing to do with rigging. It has everything to do with reality.
I agree 100%.

As I've stated here before he has a good part of the population hoodwinked. He's telling them what they want to here.

The guy is a creep and a bully, and he's only out for himself. He couldn't care less about the average working person.

Here is another New Yorker's opinion :)
Like i said earlier Like things the way they are now vote hillary.Don't trust trump,If you think he is as full of **** as her,VOTE HILLARY.Giving iraq nuclear capability,Benghazi Wasn't nothing The e-mails were just a fluke,Nafta is great,The clinton foundation is honest,And the 100s of other things she's done weren't all That bad.VOTE HILLARY.THIS BITCH HAS A 30 year history of saying **** the people.If you want more hillary then VOTE HILLARY!I personally don't know or have ever heard of one honest rich ******.And ive not seen or heard of one of these rich fuckers stepping up to help this country.Now we have trump.Is he perfect hell no.Has he done some ****,Of course.Well sense he has ****** up let's just kick that ass to the curb.RIGHT!This **** ain't like burger king,You don't get it your way.Let's elect someone else,OK who?Who in the hell is gonna spend run there ass off.Have **** talked about them from mainstream media,Get ****** with lied about.And end up with a crooked goverment to work with and a gang of stupid people who wanted hillery.And the rest give him hell over every thing he has done to get rich in this crooked as hell country.Im personally glad he is running.I would not want the job.For the life of me i don't see why he does.Mabye he will **** it up worse,At least he has not had 30 years to get really educated in just not giving a **** like hillary.I voted for him and i just hope to god he tries.Becuase guess what not any of the rest give a ****!!
Betcha HRC is in an eye popping, vein bulging meltdown right about now....'tween the email thing and the Lawrenceville, Georgia flush job she probly ain't gloating quite so much!

'Course she did say "The American people have a right to know....bla...bla" and demanded Director Comey immediately release everything the FBI has on 'Emailgate'!

Does the person under investigation get to tell the FBI what to release....and when? I think not!
He is repugnant, and scary on every front. The only nice thing we can say about him is that he's not Hillary, and that he's not constantly sucking the PC cock like everyone else.

All that being said I can see that these are some older and heavily edited recordings, even a shitsmear like trump can evolve on his views. I'm not saying that he has, only that it's possible that he has. I dont mean to imply that I support him, I just think he's not quite as bad as Hillary. I voted today and it was a vote against Hillary, not in support of any current candidate.
Like i said earlier Like things the way they are now vote hillary.Don't trust trump,If you think he is as full of **** as her,VOTE HILLARY.Giving iraq nuclear capability,Benghazi Wasn't nothing The e-mails were just a fluke,Nafta is great,The clinton foundation is honest,And the 100s of other things she's done weren't all That bad.VOTE HILLARY.THIS BITCH HAS A 30 year history of saying **** the people.If you want more hillary then VOTE HILLARY!I personally don't know or have ever heard of one honest rich ******.And ive not seen or heard of one of these rich fuckers stepping up to help this country.Now we have trump.Is he perfect hell no.Has he done some ****,Of course.Well sense he has ****** up let's just kick that ass to the curb.RIGHT!This **** ain't like burger king,You don't get it your way.Let's elect someone else,OK who?Who in the hell is gonna spend run there ass off.Have **** talked about them from mainstream media,Get ****** with lied about.And end up with a crooked goverment to work with and a gang of stupid people who wanted hillery.And the rest give him hell over every thing he has done to get rich in this crooked as hell country.Im personally glad he is running.I would not want the job.For the life of me i don't see why he does.Mabye he will **** it up worse,At least he has not had 30 years to get really educated in just not giving a **** like hillary.I voted for him and i just hope to god he tries.Becuase guess what not any of the rest give a ****!!

YES! absolutely ******* right! THANK YOU poppop.:worthy:
There were 17 Republicans trying to win the nomination during the primaries. Compared to just 3 from the Democrats. I realize this aint Burger King and we can't have everything our way. But hard for me to believe people thought Trump was a better choice than 16 other people. So I can't accept the "well he was our only choice" excuse.

I could give two ***** at this point who wins because whoever wins -- America still loses. Although I'll still cling to the hope Vader pulls through.

But I'll say this, and this goes back to my very first post in this thread -- if Trump loses, the Republicans need to stop with the liberal media bias, rigged system, etc ******** excuses that I'm hearing being floated already. Take off the diapers and just own up to the fact they lost 2016 election because they nominated a really ******* ****** candidate. The GOP had 8 years to prepare for a Clinton presidential run and their answer was Trump. Own it.

If Clinton wins Republicans need to be mad at themselves. They handed Clinton the White House on a silver... strike that... gold plated platter with the name Trump stamped on it. If she gets into the Oval Office the very first thing the Republicans should demand is her sincere thanks to them for their huge assistance in putting her in there.
From The Hill.

Two sources within FBI told Fox News on Wednesday that the investigation of the Clinton Foundation is likely to lead to an indictment.
Fox News' Bret Baier said Wednesday that the FBI probe into a possible pay-to-play scheme between Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation has been going on for over a year.
Sources told the news network that the investigation, which is conducted by the White Collar Crime division of the FBI, is a "very high priority."
One source further stated that the bureau collected "a lot of" evidence, adding that "there is an avalanche of new information coming every day."
Baier also said that the Clinton Foundation probe is more expansive than previously thought, and that many individuals have been interviewed several times throughout the course of the investigation.
Sources said that they are "actively and aggressively pursuing this case" and that investigations are likely to continue.
Baier added that when he pressed the sources about the details of both probes, they told him that they are likely to lead to an indictment.
Additionally, Baier reported that according to Fox News' sources, Clinton's private email server had been breached by at least five foreign intelligence hackers. FBI Director James Comey said in July that he could not say definitively whether her server had been breached.
Is there a way to bring an indictment against her and not have Obama grant her a full pardon. If that did happen would it even ruin her chance in office. Somehow I think her followers are so blinded that it wouldnt make a big difference with the rigt PR spin.

There is nothing, I mean nothing, I would rather see than Hillary led away from a poteum in cuffs and shoved into a marked cruiser only to have her sanctimonious ass stuffed into a 6x8 with a metal bunk.

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