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cool story! you should collect all of them into a little, oh what does one call them, a little anthology of sorts, nevermind the grammar--it's your ability to story-tell and method of frank recant that need to be captured.

you're the best granddad. i never enjoyed the company of mine (both died before i was born). i wish my daughter could have experiences similar to the ones that you share with yours.
Not all my stories have a happy endings.But all are true.When i was in the 3rd grade,There was a lil boy in my class named billy teague,He was poor usally wore the same clothes about every day,A lot of the class nicknamed him dirt boy.Which i thought was mean,But i couldnt beat up everyone!He sat in front of me And just made the best of it.My dad drove by his house once and it was not much more than a barn.October was unusally cold that year And i had gotton a new winter coat!But with rules! take care of it!Halloween morning arrived,Really cold outside,Here came billy,No coat,Watched him sat in front of me and shiver for what seemed like forever,We did the usual things,Cut out jack o lanters and colored witches,Before we knew it bell rang,Time to go.Billy was walking in front of me,I tapped him on the shoulder and said here you go.And throwed him my new coat.He Said terry,ARE YOU SURE! I said yes billy im sure.He said Thank you.Stay warm my friend.As i got on my bus he looked up at the window and reapeted THANK you!I thought getting on the bus,Hope i dont get a whipping!Puting my story together for mom and dad.But he didn't have a coat at all!Still wasnt sure that would be enough to save my hide.Got home Got a talking to by mom,Dad had worked a double shift so ok for now.Got to go trick or treating great.Mom and dad will understand i hope.Mom tucked me in.Laying in bed thinking, i did a good thing!Billy didn't have a coat!I still have my old one.Went to school the next morning sat down humn no billy?Must be sick i thought,Always had a runny nose.Someone knocked on the classroom door,Who's that?Teacher went out and talked a minute,Came back in with a sad look on her face.She went and cleaned out billys cubby hole!Why did she do that i thought?Gave his stuff to the person outside.Came back wiping her eyes!Then she said class for you that havent heard your classmate billy got ran over by a car last night!I GAVE HIM MY COAT!IF I WOULDN"T HAVE DONE THAT HE WOULD HAVE LIVED.I have allways wondered.I think ill take this memory to my grave.
cool story! you should collect all of them into a little, oh what does one call them, a little anthology of sorts, nevermind the grammar--it's your ability to story-tell and method of frank recant that need to be captured.

you're the best granddad. i never enjoyed the company of mine (both died before i was born). i wish my daughter could have experiences similar to the ones that you share with yours.
Thank you my friend my grammar has allways been terrible.And i hate your grandparents passed before you got to know them.Youre a dad,And ill be willing to bet a great one.You sound very educated.I believe your daughter has all she needs in the world.She has you!terry.
Life sure can make you wonder, can't it, I missed going out with my best friend on my 18th birthday by 5 minutes cause I went to see my grandma up the road for my birthday before I went out to celebrate. The next morning got a call from my mom saying good thing you missed going out cause my buddy was killed an hour after he left my house. Then there's the time I was in the labor room waiting for my first born when there was a life flight coming in that I could see and I said to my wife " ain't that a shame someone has to die so our son can be born". A few minutes later a knock on the door and it was my brother John saying our dad had a bad accident with the brush hog cutting our grandpaps grass and we had to get down to the ICU and just as me and John walked in a Dr came in and said our Dad died on the elevator. So, yea, that's just a few of the curves life has thrown at me and there's ALOT more. I've had alot say I should write a book or tell someone to have it made into a movie but it all is so unbelievable people wouldn't believe it but I can assure you it's all true. But, at least one thing I've learned, its all how you look at things, they say, nothing bad ever really happens its all how you perceive it. That's hard to believe sometimes but somehow you can see what it means. Like, you could think, at least I made that kid Billy very happy he got a nice warm coat and at least he didn't spend his last day on earth cold. Yea, crazy ******* world. Ain't it.
Great stories all PopPop,,thank you. The woods are magical for a young one.

I guess I just have to settle for one,,, "Pop". :)

Life sure can make you wonder, can't it, I missed going out with my best friend on my 18th birthday by 5 minutes cause I went to see my grandma up the road for my birthday before I went out to celebrate. The next morning got a call from my mom saying good thing you missed going out cause my buddy was killed an hour after he left my house. Then there's the time I was in the labor room waiting for my first born when there was a life flight coming in that I could see and I said to my wife " ain't that a shame someone has to die so our son can be born". A few minutes later a knock on the door and it was my brother John saying our dad had a bad accident with the brush hog cutting our grandpaps grass and we had to get down to the ICU and just as me and John walked in a Dr came in and said our Dad died on the elevator. So, yea, that's just a few of the curves life has thrown at me and there's ALOT more. I've had alot say I should write a book or tell someone to have it made into a movie but it all is so unbelievable people wouldn't believe it but I can assure you it's all true. But, at least one thing I've learned, its all how you look at things, they say, nothing bad ever really happens its all how you perceive it. That's hard to believe sometimes but somehow you can see what it means. Like, you could think, at least I made that kid Billy very happy he got a nice warm coat and at least he didn't spend his last day on earth cold. Yea, crazy ******* world. Ain't it.
I think i read you post about 10 times.And between lifting my glasses and wiping tears.Some for joy you have your first born,The lifeflight was bringing the gift of life.Whenever i talk about past loved ones I try to talk about happy times,For the most part.My best friend died at 32,I introduced him to his later wife,12 yrs later she was the one that called us at 4;00 in the morning and said terry get up,Jimmys died.My dads last words were no more!No more please.He was eat up with intestinal cancer.The only thing that keeps me going is postivey.I think i could write a book too.Ive heard people say,I Worked 55 yrs.I ask,Did you live to work or work to live?Is that what you wanted from life?Im damn near 57.I wanna LIVE ENJOY LOVE REMEMBER!Good times if not now when?Old people dont walk crippled by choise!We gotta live while we can.That ole clock is ticking.God bless you my friend,Bless your heart and your family
Sittin with my little guy right now. He's 26 months old and smart as a whip. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't know what i'd do without my wife and son. I hug and kiss them both every day and never take anything for granted. IMG_6389.jpg
Thanks to Terry for the nice pm he sent. I have 8 kids from 28 down to 2 and I cherish every moment I get with them. I often live by the motto: " Live everyday like its your last, cause one day you'll be right! And the other one: All you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be.
. But, I stay positive and wouldn't trade it with anyone either. Well, maybe somebody rich. But I get on my Vmax clear my mind and a few minutes later I love life again. Yea, my bike is priceless.
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Great Stories

I've gone huntin' a time or two with my twins. To see the world through their eyes sometimes is refreshing. For just a little while the harshness of the world seems to soften a bit.