The uncle of the owner of the bike lives in IN. He brought that bike to south Florida to fix it at our mutual friend's shop. I watched it being torn-apart and repaired. Once the repairs were done, he brought it back to IN and delivered it to his nephew. It was built for Shaquille O'Neal when he was playing for the Orlando Magic, before he played for the Miami Heat.Last time I seen that Hayabusa was in Muncie Indiana about 2 years ago.
Here's a pic of the uncle's Hyabusa, (the silver one) which was built and campaigned out of our mutual friend's shop. He ran it bracket racing and won $ with it. I think he dialed an 8.90 second e.t.

Here is another Hyabusa campaigned out of the shop.

The red Hyabusa is a brand-new bike brought in for the addition of a full exhaust and some tuning.

This white Hyabusa with a ginormous turbo put out 550 RWHP on a local dyno, it was a shop build.

Lots of electronics. It builds different amounts of boost depending upon what gear it's in and the rpm. It has a lock-up clutch, I think it's an MTC. Of course it's got a quick-shifter.