OK... I have not been on for 2 weeks and I approve of this thread ! I have been a loyal Fin's fan since 7th grade. That woud be aprox 1973ish. I have been through there highs and lows. I was a season ticket holder from 1987 till 1999 when I had to give my ticket up to my bro who now owns 15 tickets in the end zone 3rd row up. All because I followed a woman to Sault Ste. Marie, Mi. :shot: My lisence plate reads "DOLFUNZ" !

unk: I am over whelmed with the way they are playing this year. Never expected it. I love gonig into work on a monday morning and just smiling cause I don't get the **** like I did last year. Instead I give it back to those MORONs that are LION fans. (and Jills fans and patriot losers:barf: ). What comes around goes around :clapping:LOL ! Just remember that TITAN fans. Ohhh and by the way they will get beat and WE shall par take in our champagne drinks shortly. FOOTBALL and V-Max's are the **** !!!!!!:th_image003:
With love, ALMTY the DOLFUNZ fanatic