The surprise from my last thread

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You know, Paul, I really think I owe you an apology. First, I just realized you're the same guy who did such a bang-up job on the black/white spray can parts. Given those bits, this vivid blue motor just might work. But, I gotta tell ya, when taken out of context, it is quite a shocker.

At this point, I'm taking a "wait and see" attitude, but this combo might actually work!

Screw her together and start snapping some pics!

And with regard to the "schidt" comments, I'm sure you realize you're in the midst of a widely varied bunch of enthusiasts. You've got the purists who want everything the way in came off the boat, you've got performance modders, you've got cosmetic overhauls that span a pretty broad spectrum. ...and your motor color is not exactly middle-of-the-road. Purists and old-school, no-nonsense muscle bike enthusiasts (like me) can be a pretty vocal bunch.

So, I can still honestly say that I don't care much at all for that color, but I now believe you might get away with it!. (But, only the finished machine will serve to formulate the final assessment).

You got balls. I'll give you that.
This with that white body work is gonna be hot! Now you have to figure out if you're gonna anodize or paint your new wheels when you get them.

Posted with my thumbs.

Traffic Paints
SealMaster® Traffic Paint - Handicap Blue
Designed for ADA compliance.
100% acrylic emulsion paint.
Formulated for lasting durability.
Sizes Available
1 Gallon Pail, 5 Gallon Pail

15 Mils wet film thickness
(4" wide stripe - 325 linear feet/gallon; 2" wide stripe - 650 linear feet/gallon).

Colors Available
Handicap Blue

Choose a hue...
Somebody had to use up that last pint of light blue!
Not Richard Petty blue but if there were red accent colors and a # 43 on it I'm sure people would make the connection.
Ain't nobody gonna mistake that bike for anyone else's now are they!
"To boldly go where no man has gone before!"
Guys as your saying everyone is entitled to do what they want, they are also entitled to say what they want.

Now in context looking like **** can mean, its a terrible paint job. Thats the way I would use that phrase. Now if I said the color looks like ****, then we are now saying the paint job could or is good, but the color isn't our choice.

Lets all be honest here, if this picture wasn't posted by a forum member ( owner of the bike ) then the post would have a different outlook to it. I don't think people would have blinked an eye at that comment.

I ll be 100% honest, I hate the color. I hate most light blue bikes I see. Light blue just isn't a color for me. Dark blue is.

But the owner is allowed to do what he or she wants, anyway they want.

It does take some guts to go outside the box on things like this.

At least he doing it for him self how would you like to be todd and have to do some of the crazy ass he does for people. He showed me some of the ugly guns that he has done. But im sure he got paid well. I dont have to like what other people do in life but if they are trying and doing what makes them happy I do have to respect that. I had a fat tired mini bike when I was younger and my dad painted it chrysler engine blue and it wasent my choice but it was that or detroit green because thats all he had on the shelf. The color did stand out and I dident like it but my dad did such a nice job with what we had I was happy to ride that mini bike. We dident have much moneywhen I was growing up and looking back at least I got that mini bike in my blood to be the way I am now. I do like that color but im not sure about what you are doing with it but if you are half as happy as my dad was when he got done than I think you should say **** everyone else and be happy with who you are. Dont let peopleget under your skin the guy that said it looks like **** is most likely very a very out spoken person like my self and like alot of great people on this forum. He is just stating his opinion. Dont take it to hart just stay true to yourself and walk your path. You might get done and say im so glad I did what I did or you might say what the hell was I thinking. But as long as you stick to your path on what ever happens in life you will always find a way to be okay with your self or even better yourself.
I think the general opinion is that the tactless comment was from someone who evidently hasn't been on here much, and as was mentioned, may-be more-familiar with the internet vulgarity which comes with most forums in 'the ether.' We have all seen it in other places, and I am glad to see it nearly not-at-all here.

Sure, you get to say what you want, but if someone made a comment to your wife or child with which you took-offense, wouldn't you protect your family? Of-course.

Now, I am not maintaining that because someone compared a paint color to excrement, by making a simile, we should stone the miscreant at sunset. Multiple people have made the comment about using tact, about being polite, and keeping the forum civil in tone and content. In nearly all cases, it has been.

As Oscar Wilde once said, "brevity is the soul of wit," sometimes writing something and then hitting the 'delete' key will allow you to 'get it off your chest,' and not cause any hard feelings. The span between 'tactful' and 'tactless' may be brief indeed.

Any twit can make a tactless, vulgar comment, while it takes a bit of brainpower, thought, and deliberation to craft something which means the same thing but within a more-socially-acceptable fashion.

I save the ^&%#$%#$@!*&&^ comments for when I inadvertently harm myself using tools, or when someone cuts me off on a roadway.
I would agree that it's not my favorite color by far but our differences in taste is what makes these bikes so easily personalized. If a customer asked me to paint it that color i'd probably ask him a few different times if that's really what he wanted and try to convince him otherwise. But, if that's for sure what he wanted then we'd do it for him.

The overall quality of the paint job isn't the best but considering it was done in the bike it's not that bad either. We have it a little easier to make them very nice when the engine is out. We can blast all the old paint off and get a perfectly smooth and clean engine before painting.
The overall quality of the paint job isn't the best but considering it was done in the bike it's not that bad either. We have it a little easier to make them very nice when the engine is out. We can blast all the old paint off and get a perfectly smooth and clean engine before painting.

I think this is probably what the original comment was meant to convey.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I still think you got the man wrong in my opinion I would rather people say what is on there minds and be up front with me. If you as a person cant handle someone stating there opinion thats on you. I have to agree the engine dont look so good. And I am willing to say it looks like **** but thats my opinion. Todd likes to put skulls all over his bike and I dont like that for me but im okey with it for him and if someone wants to paint there vmax engine blue as long as my engine is the way I want it im okey with it. To me saying thats not for me or that looks like **** is saying the same thing. Its just words and its up to you to be okey with yourself. If you tell me that looks like **** I would take another look and if I was still okey with it I would tell you thanks for your opinion but i still like it for me. It is true that words can be hard on you but only you can let words hurt.
Sticks and stones so to say. Lets man up *******. Lol. :biglaugh:
It has just taken my 15 mins to read through all that and i agree with most comments made every one has an opinion, and i like it that's the main thing.
As for painting the engine i did pint it in the bike so i couldn't blast it i used wire brush and wire wool the total paint job on my bike so for has costed me less that 80 quid which i am very pleased with the end results.
check out my tins in my previews thread money is tight at the moment as i have just purchased my first house.
Lastly i can say i did it ! as any one can pay some one to do the work for them.
paulvmax you are walking your path and good or bad its your path stick with it. I bought some velosity stack from sean and when i got them it wasent what i had in mind but after i installed them in my opinion the stacks set the bike off. I wanted it to have a fat chest and a skinny rear look to my bike. kinda like a bulldog now i know nobody else could see it but i could so i kept them on. when ever damon worked on my bike he would say i hate them. it was a pain in the ass for carb work but i liked them so i kept them. stay true to yourself and if you find you dont like something with your bike you can always change it. paint is cheep.
Some dudes also like boys and kinky stuff and i don't... Everyone is entitled to his opinion and should express it the way he wants without offending anyone, he didn't call Paul a ****** painter, he said that the it looked like ****... I laughed at that as i never saw a light blue turd... Too much blabbing for such a small thing, like someone said man up biatches and carry on...
Only the O.P. knows what was meant, but my interpretation was that the remark was not directed towards the execution but towards the color scheme. Taste is very subjective, and think how-dreary things would be if we all had the same taste. I have seen the Euro bikes having wild paint jobs and this is from the 'other side of the pond.'

I think this is probably what the original comment was meant to convey.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Hey guys this is my new engine color bright enough ?

Looks nice to me, is this brush on paint.

I painted a sbc motor off red color, some people did not like it. But I like it.

Can you post pictures of the hole bike. I like to see it.
I picture his skins he painted from the earlier posts.
I see a 1970 trans am in polar white With Lucerne blue stripes.

Works for me......

People ought to be able to express their opinion freely.
I also believe in civility and tact. It makes the world a nicer place. It is the lubrication that helps humanity function.

It is not impossible to have freedom of speech and civility together. As it usually is on here.

I see things that may be cultural here too that explain some of it. People that come from places where smart ass remarks, loud talking or aggression from a stranger are not likely to get you an immediate beat down or even shot tend to be a little more on the "rude" side.

Ever why why people are friendly in the South?
Many are packing heat and nearly all of them live to fight at the drop of a hat.

Kind of breeds a little more tactfulness into daily life.

These of course are stereotypes but in
my travels at least seem to be generally true.
I mean no offense to anyone. Just an observation about differences based on culture.

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