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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2009
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So the lady and I decided we wanted some nice furniture. I was away for a few weeks, and the furniture came on sale.

She bought it.
She proposed THIS idea: I buy a big screen TV with the money I was supposed to pay her.

So I am stuck deciding between a

Samsung 52 Inch LCD 120hz

Sharp Aquos 52 Inch LCD 120hz

both are equally priced.

Does anyone have experience with these two TV's?

I am leaning towards Samsung

(keep in mind this is 100% her idea)
I'm very happy with my 40 inch Samsung LCD. Mine developed dead pixels after a few months and Samsung shipped me a new one within a couple of days. The original model wasn't available anymore so they gave me the next step up.
I'd go Samsung.....

It sucks to be you doesn't it:biglaugh:
I JUST took delivery and installed my Samsung Plasma 860 series. I am a plasma guy. I like the sharper image and blacker blacks the plasma offers. My TV at its thickest is 1.6". I used a thin mount to mount it on the wall and ran ALL the wires in the wall and used special outlets to make it all possible. I am AMAZED how nice it came out. I LOVE the picture and the internet accessibility is AWESOME! I can rent blockbuster movies on it, watch youtube vids, and check weather and many other cool things. It's really worth spending the money and getting the best you can afford now, as the tech changes SO quickly that you don't want to be antiquated in two weeks or before you even get it home.

I have two Samsungs now. One 22" for the treadmill also mounted on the wall and this 50" plasma. WELL worth the money IMO.

Check out and for reviews on the TV's you're looking at.

By the way... The Sharp TV's are VERY good. Sharp just built a completely new glass MFG plant to produce the largest sheets for their and others TV's. It completely robotic! My bro has had the Sharp for 4-5 years now with ZERO issues.


Think I'm gonna go with the Samsung.

I just bought a "box" of surround sound. 1000 watts. Got it on special for like 240 bucks.
Sharp, baby!

Let me tell you of a conversation I had with a pretty high up consumer relations person from Samsung...

I had many TV's go bad (at work) and we had some repaired under warranty. Well, the TV's failed again with the same symptoms... I called Samsung about it and worked my way up to someone darn high in the pecking order about fixing the problematic TV's again. No freakin' way she said.

Well, my exact words after she said that were...."Well, that explains why I passed up your product last week searching for a DVD player, you guy's don't back your product"

And then I hung up.

No way will a Samsung product find it's way into my home with that kind of customer service. And we had many, many TV's that failed the same way. We just threw them out. Most of them less than 2 years old...

Anyway, that's my thought.

And I have three year old Aquos 46" upstairs that is awesome. And my pops has the same model.

Yeah, I thought LED's are the next generation TV's:confused2:

For LCD's they are... It's just the light source they use. It's not a bunch of LED's making up the screen.

I like Plasma's due to their less washed out look.

I love Sony :) I got a Bravia 42" a couple of years ago and it's still working as a bnew one.
But from what I saw the sharp TV provide a better rendering than samsung.
However, cost wise Samsung was the best model for the money.
I took the plunge and spent the dime on the Samsung 52 inch. 120hz res, 6 series. Very nice TV!
Congrat's on your purchase Rob. Personally I'm a Sony man. Between Samsung and Sharp, I would have picked the Sharp only becasue my wife used to work in customer service at Leon's and Samsung was the worst for warranty, service and % of defects. That being said, my inlaws and my parents both have Samsungs without issues to date. Enjoy!
Ahh yes :) Warranty!

I got full four-year warranty with future shop on top of the 1yr warranty - PLUS the extra year I get from buying it on my Mastercard.

The Warranty for 4 years ran me 200 bucks :)
He brought it down for me. He was a good salesman - but I wasn't going to shell out the 360 bucks EXTRA for a warranty.

Reminds me of that saying "they wanna see how much you'll pay for what you used to get for free"

My computer monitor is a 40inch Samsung LCG series 5 and it's been treating me well thus far!

cross me fingers!
i work in an electronics department and as far as defects, samsung is our number 1 most reliable/least returned tv.

i have no experience with the aquos series of sharps but the old sharps i didnt think had as good of picture as a sony or sammy.

theyre all so close nowadays, just dont buy an rca or emerson and youll be just fine

That's the link to my system.

I haven't actually installed it yet. Give me till 4 days and I'll tell you how it is!

Keep in mind, this is home theatre in a box. It's not going to be the BEST of the best - however, it will satisfy the average guys needs.

The best thing is it's plug and play. It's Samsung to Samung - so you know it's gonna work.

I will give you my personal review shortly!

Keep in mind, I have some high expectations. My computer has a 40 inch Samsung monitor, with 400 watt 5.1 surround sound.

That's the link to my system.

I haven't actually installed it yet. Give me till 4 days and I'll tell you how it is!

Keep in mind, this is home theatre in a box. It's not going to be the BEST of the best - however, it will satisfy the average guys needs.

The best thing is it's plug and play. It's Samsung to Samung - so you know it's gonna work.

I will give you my personal review shortly!

Keep in mind, I have some high expectations. My computer has a 40 inch Samsung monitor, with 400 watt 5.1 surround sound.

Your COMPUTER is WAY better than my entertainment center......and probably cost a lot more too:biglaugh:

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