Thinking of selling

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Well-Known Member
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Mar 1, 2009
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Hi. It has been quite some time since I have been here. I am thinking of selling my 1997 VMAX. It is a 1500cc tourmaster with flatslides. I think it was dynod at 170 some HP. It is fast and clean. Just wondering what kind of price I should look to ask for it.
Wouldn't an engine like that cost $8K or more, to build? Though it's not often someone gets back that same amount on a re-sale.
Hi i have the same setup as you my pcw pulled 174 hp 111 on torque . There is no way in Hell i would ever sale just cause i know how much $$$ i have in her. So if you are prepaired for an ass picking you will be lucky to get 8 to 10 k for your bike all the vmax guys are into the gen 11. The Gen 1 guys are a dying breed good luck with you sale
Hi i have the same setup as you my pcw pulled 174 hp 111 on torque . There is no way in Hell i would ever sale just cause i know how much $$$ i have in her. So if you are prepaired for an ass picking you will be lucky to get 8 to 10 k for your bike all the vmax guys are into the gen 11. The Gen 1 guys are a dying breed good luck with you sale

I had to chuckle at your post. "dying breed" LOL. And I guess I agree. I'm gonna be 60 in 3 years and my neighbour "another vmax rider", Mike is 66 years old. Yup......need some young blood soon. Old farts can still go fast.....cant they ? LOL
'The Gen 1 guys are a dying breed'

Just remember, 'every day above ground is a good day.'

You could say that for any non-current ride, two-wheeled or four. What about the C3 Corvette owners? Anyone who was of driving age in the fall of '67 when the 1968 Corvette was released will recall what a spaceship it was for the times, and since you could still get a Hi-Po 327 (first 350 in '69) or a 454, it had the balls to back it up. Now, they just look quaint, and it's the C7 that's all the rage. Two of my co-workers have 'em, one a Z06 and the other a Z51. They look more like an exotic European ride than something from Warren MI (home of GM Design & Tech Ctr.).

Twenty-two years in production, there's life in the 'old bikes' yet. After all, they had a longer production run than the Ford Model T. I think they have aged very well, and you don't need to be a biker to see one in the 'flesh,' and to know immediately what its intended purpose is.

Look at the H-D 'Knucklehead,' the newest one is old-enough to collect full Social Security, and the H-D guys still love to work on them, either as customs, or to return them to as-original.

Yes, I think that in-time, the VMax will have its numbers dwindle, but this forum is proof that there's plenty of life in the platform yet. And in twenty years, bring one to a bike show in stock-appearing shape, and listen to the old guys spin tales of someone they knew who had one, how it was 'outlawed until Yamaha agreed to lower the h.p.,' '90% of the 1985 riders died within a year after buying it,' or 'nothing stock, two wheels or four, could catch one in 1985.'

Should we ask for a 'show of hands' for how-many on here own more-than one? Bet ya can't say that about the Gen II guys, hardly-ever.

I'd like to have a Gen II, but for now the Gen I still makes me laugh out-loud often-enough. And, the 'price is right.'

69 this year. Showing hands up here.

'90 Blue with lots of bling and upgrades , '98 with lots of c.f. and upgrades, 2 project Maxxes a '00 and a '01 .


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55 this year.Sitting in a restaurant today and watched a car back up to the parking space I was parked in then finally pulled out of my view. A minute later I walked outside and a 20 something year old special boy was staring at it with his mother and sister standing behind him smiling. When I got to the bike he looked at me and said "Sir, That is a beautiful Vmax". I was surprised that he knew what it was and I felt blessed by him too.
I refuse to say how old I am, but when Pearl Harbor was attacked, I was about 7 months old. You can do the math. And yes, jinks, old guys can still go fast.
Price on the bike? You can of course part it out for more then selling as a whole. Depending on the bikes condition I would think in the $5000-$6500 range. Some markets it may bring more then that.
Just turned 54 in November... The VMAX has revitalized my interest in motorcycling - hooligan style!