This boggles the mind.......

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I'm seriously thinking more and more of a concealed permit ..The way I see it the people that do this type of crap are zombies and need to die immediately !! NO trial no hospital stay no public defense !!
I just don't get the hell do you stab (multiple times) and kill a bunch of people and just walk away? Wasn't anyone in that group able to find some sort of a weapon to defend themselves?

I'm sure it was very confusing, and he was moving fast but jeez....a lamp, ashtray....ANYTHING to bring this guy down?

Same for the kid in PA, 21 friggin' people get stabbed and nobody was able to do anything about it? The kid had arms the size of a squirrels leg, he just didn't look all that tough!

I know Monday morning quarterbacking is real easy but still.......:confused2:
Is it that today's society has nurtured the mindset of the general public to have a victims mentality? Are they afraid to fight back/ stand up for themselves? When a wolf looks at a flock of sheep it see's easy pickings, unless the shepherd is there to protect them. I think more people need to be their own shepherd and take a stand on their own behalf! Be the shepherd not the sheep!
These crazy events of late remind of that TV show "The Following". I've watched that a few times and thought to myself, no way something like that would happen, they would be stopped right away. Guess I was wrong.
I'm sure that being there was undoubtedly a whole different story but jeez man, couldn't you at least jump out a window and run away? Gonna hurt a **** of a lot less than being stabbed several times!

Altho maybe someone did, the info is kinda sketchy.
To most people the sight of a person plunging a knife into another persons chest causes paralyzing fear. Our society teaches inaction and complience with violent criminals. Our people are informed that they are incapable of defending themselves and others, and to leave that to police.
Odd, police are almost always called after the fact.
Article said "The University of Calgary said de Grood graduated in 2013 with a bachelor's degree majoring in psychology and a minor in law and society." And also said he came to the party after leaving his shift at the grocery store. After graduating with that degree and having to work in a grocery store, maybe he just flipped....