This is strange. (Trump Related)

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I think that a lot of the disgust comes from the fact that all of the nasty things Trump says and all of the shady and illegal business practices Trump does and all of the treasonous collusion with foreign governments gets so readily dismissed and his followers refuse to look at anything negative with him.
(I think this paints a pretty broad picture of Conservatives that is not true in and amongst my group of friends. He does not get a pass on anything from my POV. I will call him out( or anybody) if it something I do not think is right, and that doesn't matter if it's a Conservative or a Liberal spouting the words.
Conversely, MSNBC/CNN/ PBS are fairly liberal news outlets as far as my experience goes with them. Neither side cannot shade the other with blanket statements but more often than not they do.)
Trump is a master manipulator especially with the media. If you disagree with him or have anything negative about him he will quickly cry that it is Fake News. The shear fact that he refused questions from a news organization that has a different view than him should be shocking to the idea of free press. Every great dictator in history has started with controlling the media, whats next state run media? Oh we already have that its called Fox News. Trump is right about one thing, he could shoot somebody in the middle of the street and not only get away with it but his followers would applaud. What we are witnessing is the crumbling of democracy. When the government of a foreign country can have involvement in our election and when free press and free speech are diminished and called fake news every time something that goes against Trumps agenda is reported you then cease to have democracy and freedom. Freedom and constitutional rights are for all Americans not just the ones who support Trump.

One thing I do find kind of funny are the part of the liberal public voices that are saying they are so upset and wailing on screen of their dismay and fear. Are they just going to turtle for the next 4 years? Time to make your point and make your side heard!
Toughen up buttercup!
Then there are the ridiculous statements of Hollywood liberals protagonists, they have a public voice but IMO it is better used to make and promote movies/ TV and not public opinion. Go to Canada or wherever you like if you cannot handle a opposing point of view.:bang head:

After all he is our President, if you will, this is part of what a friend posted on FB:
"The constitution doesn't say that you have to like it, but it does spell out the rules for how the game is played. The players (that's us folks) take it from there. The current Dude is the Trump Dude. He's ours. All of ours. Like it or not. Just like every president, good and bad, before him.
Simple fact: You can't change that, and call yourself American. No. you can't. You can't say I'm American and I believe in this set of laws with an asterisk. There is no asterisk. You can't say, well, yeah, I believe in these laws, but only when I get my way.
Look, there are a lot of things about Trump that make me wince. Sometimes. Then there are other times when I say, "He's right about that." Same with President Obama and all the others before him. Anybody that says they like everything about and every decision a president makes over a 4 ore 8 year period is into idol worship and that is blind and foolish. If you are into that, well you can drop me off at the next corner.
Some people say, "Not my president" because of the political party he is a member of. Those same people want whom ever is in office to fail because he's not from their party. ?????? Putting party loyalty over wanting what's best for America is, well, Geez, think about that for a minute.
So here's my humble take. I want President Trump to be a great president. Why? Because we need him tp be. Simple as that. Does that mean I like everything about him? Gosh no. But make no mistake, he's OUR president. Yours and mine. OUR constitution says so. And, if he turns out to be a great one and We become better off. Good for us.
Have a good week all."
Reliable information says he's planning on replacing the Queen and taking over Britain......................:confused2:

Holy ****, there's a lot of snowflakes on this site! Who would have thought? I am truly stunned by how many Clinton supporters there are here.
Think about it. At the end, we the people had 2 realistic choices. 2 people actually had a chance to lead this nation. If it was Trump, it was Clinton.
All this bitching constantly about Trump from the media, Hollywood, special interest groups, and socialists. Do you folks bitching about Trump "IDENTIFY" with one of these groups?

All the name calling by the Dems. If you weren't on their side, you were labeled as a racist, or some kind of "phobe". Like ******* little girls on a playground.

I'm confused. Am I missing something? Sure he said some nasty things that pissed some people off. He said some nasty things about vets.
What about the alternative? Hillary? Really?

Don't act like we truly had other choices. You know that isn't true.

I'm sure you can go find a safe space somewhere if you're really need to. Hopefully I won't be paying for it with my tax dollars.
Holy ****, there's a lot of snowflakes on this site! Who would have thought? I am truly stunned by how many Clinton supporters there are here.
Think about it. At the end, we the people had 2 realistic choices. 2 people actually had a chance to lead this nation. If it was Trump, it was Clinton.
All this bitching constantly about Trump from the media, Hollywood, special interest groups, and socialists. Do you folks bitching about Trump "IDENTIFY" with one of these groups?

All the name calling by the Dems. If you weren't on their side, you were labeled as a racist, or some kind of "phobe". Like ******* little girls on a playground.

I'm confused. Am I missing something? Sure he said some nasty things that pissed some people off. He said some nasty things about vets.
What about the alternative? Hillary? Really?

Don't act like we truly had other choices. You know that isn't true.

I'm sure you can go find a safe space somewhere if you're really need to. Hopefully I won't be paying for it with my tax dollars.

Not sure if any of this was directed at me. I chose to remove myself from the political discussion under my self imposed rule of "If I'm not part of the solution, then I'm part of the problem". I admit I wont budge on my disdain for Trump, so therefore I'm part of the problem.

But I want to make it perfectly ******* clear: Don't mistake that for needing a safe space. Don't mistake that for weakness. I have zero fear of speaking my mind face to face to anyone.
Holy ****, there's a lot of snowflakes on this site! Who would have thought? I am truly stunned by how many Clinton supporters there are here.
Think about it. At the end, we the people had 2 realistic choices. 2 people actually had a chance to lead this nation. If it was Trump, it was Clinton.
All this bitching constantly about Trump from the media, Hollywood, special interest groups, and socialists. Do you folks bitching about Trump "IDENTIFY" with one of these groups?

All the name calling by the Dems. If you weren't on their side, you were labeled as a racist, or some kind of "phobe". Like ******* little girls on a playground.

I'm confused. Am I missing something? Sure he said some nasty things that pissed some people off. He said some nasty things about vets.
What about the alternative? Hillary? Really?

Don't act like we truly had other choices. You know that isn't true.

I'm sure you can go find a safe space somewhere if you're really need to. Hopefully I won't be paying for it with my tax dollars.

I for one don't need a safe place as it is my constitutional right to speak out. Im confused with the certain hypocrisy wherein one paragraph you call us complainers "media, Hollywood, special interest groups, and socialists" and then cry about name calling ,so yea i agree with you it is like "******* little girls on a playground". It is my right to speak my opinion and I will continue to do so much like you have you have yours and i don't remember reading anything on the forum rules that said that if you are a liberal you cannot state your opinions. Also I can promise you I dont need your tax dollars for anything.
Wow! Do you even have a Max? 42 posts and maybe 2 were not political.

I joined this site on advice from the guy I bought my max from. I didn't realize that in order to post here you had to agree with every conservative idea there was. I read post to learn about the max Ive actually owned several. Maybe there should be a note when you sign up that you are welcome just don't ever disagree with anyone. If you dont like my thoughts on these post block me and dont read it.
No disrespect fellas. I recall the same noise from the other side 4 and 8 years ago. It was kind of a "thin skin" test. "Thin skin" seems to be a hot topic lately. That and Twitter.

Perhaps before we complain about thin skin, we should put the micrometer on our own cheek. I know, I know, but he's supposed to be presidential, leader of the free world and all. He's also a human.
Wonder what Obama's or cuntons Twitter would look like if they actually spoke their mind instead of a p.c. proofread script.

Just something to consider.
I've seen people banned from this site that brought more to the table then you. I could block you but that's not why I'm here. I came here to learn and talk about Vmax's. If that's no longer the main reason for this forum, I guess I'll be one more ex member. I see post from other members that I don't agree with, but they offset that with their input about the Max. You, are just here to stir ****. I don't care anymore, you stay and bring down what was the best board on the net, and I'll go. Bye.
I've seen people banned from this site that brought more to the table then you. I could block you but that's not why I'm here. I came here to learn and talk about Vmax's. If that's no longer the main reason for this forum, I guess I'll be one more ex member. I see post from other members that I don't agree with, but they offset that with their input about the Max. You, are just here to stir ****. I don't care anymore, you stay and bring down what was the best board on the net, and I'll go. Bye.

Not stirring **** just stating my opinion. If im only allowed to agree and this forum is only about bikes these topics should not be here. I have not started any political topics only replied it is a shame that an alternate opinion cannot be expressed
I joined this site on advice from the guy I bought my max from. I didn't realize that in order to post here you had to agree with every conservative idea there was. I read post to learn about the max Ive actually owned several. Maybe there should be a note when you sign up that you are welcome just don't ever disagree with anyone. If you dont like my thoughts on these post block me and dont read it.

Hey, I welcomed you:eusa_dance: I actually had to walk away for a few days. I'm with Kronx, If you have strong beliefs, Nothings said here is going to sway. We are all guilty of looking past actions to support our personal philosophy. I can match and exceed whatever you can prove or speculate about Trump, with just as damning things that have actually been done, or were to be continued between Obama and Hilary. That's not going to help. Nobodys going to win.

Getting back to the original post, I've seen, and read some very interesting information. I found some extremely eye opening interviews with ex CIA, FBI about whats going on, and the ensuing battles with Trump. If you care, do so research on deep state, or shadow government. It has to do with the tremendous power, that these unelected bodies have, CIA, FBI etc, and that they don't like there agendas messed with. This is a video that deals with the original post, and an interesting comparison to the JFK assassination. JFK also messed with the Intelligence community. I found it interesting.

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