Seeing the origami-style bodywork, it reminds me of the Hans Muth Suzuki Katana designs. If i had one of those new Huskys, I would be looking over my shoulder for 'Bumblebee' to show-up & morph into some Transformers robot & the same to happen to my Husky too!
In MI in the early 1970's I used to see the burgundy & chorme tank Husky's at the enduros & hare scrambles I was doing. The guys who had those were usually the better, more-experienced and more-well-off ($) riders. I recall one guy tearing by me along a powerline right-of-way during the Mt. Garfield MI "Pearl Harbor Anniversary" enduro. A December enduro in MI is not to be taken lightly! Plenty of snow. The entire powerline right-of-way area was frozen-over & flooded underneath w/about a ft. of water, w/only a thin layer of ice, not thick-enough to bear the weight of a rider. About 50 yds. into it, I came to a stop, having lost my forward momentum, just ahead of two other riders, & as we sat there deciding what to do, a Husky 360 came thru, he was hiked back over the rear fender & held the throttle pinned as he made his way down the route, a geyser-roostertail of frozen water and ice crystals behind him. We took turns getting our bikes out, and since there was no-way to complete the path w/o going thru the area we all found to be impassable, we headed back to the start-finish, defeated. My buddy got a 2nd on his Rickman/Zundapp.
It looks like the Husky has a long swingarm to help control the wheelies. I assume it's a 'clean-sheet' design compared to the BMW 800 cc parallel-twins?
Ah, when ya come-down to it, it's "just a Triumph twin!":rofl_200: