This will affect ALL of us

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
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This is a bill before the Senate to STOP the Federal DOT from trying to set up motorcycle ONLY check points all over the USA:bang head::bang head:
PLEASE READ and if you feel inclined make the call to your Representatives

US Representative James Sensenbrenner is asking all Members of the United States House of Representatives to co-sign a letter he is sending to the leadership running the Highway bill conference committee to include the language from HR 904.

To all US Defenders,
Please see the information below from the MRF. This CTA is asking for co sponsorship for Sensenbrenner’s bill, and for all motorcyclists to contact their elected representatives in favor of this legislation currently on the table . This is a time sensitive initiative, so have your US Defenders respond quickly. The cut off is June 5th so let’s get busy!
If they need to know who to contact at the capitol , the link is below.

MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 204 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |

12NR19 - MRF News Release - Call to Action - Sensenbrenner Letter

29 May 2012

Contact: Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Call to Action - Sensenbrenner Letter

US Representative James Sensenbrenner is asking all Members of the United States House of Representatives to co-sign a letter he is sending to the leadership running the Highway bill conference committee.

The letter urges the leadership to include the language from HR 904, the bill that prohibits any future federal funding of motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints. HR 904 has bipartisan support. Sensenbrenner is asking for signatures before June 5th, so time is of the essence.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is asking you to call your Federal Representative and ask them to sign onto the Sensenbrenner motorcycle-only checkpoint letter. Pick up the phone and make this important call, it’s crucial to the future of motorcycling.

With the June 5th deadline, it’s important to contact your Federal Representatives as soon as possible.

You can reach them through the US Capitol switchboard: 202 224 3121

Should you not know who your Federal Representative is, you can use this website to look it up:

The text of the letter is below:

Senator Barbara Boxer
Senate Environment & Public Works Committee
410 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Senator James M. Inhofe
Ranking Member
Senate Environment & Public Works Committee
456 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Representative John L. Mica
House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
2165 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Representative Nick J. Rahall II
Ranking Member
House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
2163 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Committee Chairs and Ranking Members:

There is broad bipartisan support on Capitol Hill and among motorcycle groups across the country, for efforts by Congress to prohibit the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) from funding motorcycle-only-checkpoints (MOCs). We respectfully request that the House-Senate conference committee support this effort by including H.R. 904 in the surface transportation reauthorization conference report.

This provision would prohibit the DOT from providing funds to state and local governments for the purpose of establishing MOCs. MOCs are a controversial and unproven method of addressing motorcyclist safety and have not been an efficient use of limited federal dollars. The very existence of this program essentially profiles a group of citizens – the motorcycling community – for operating a legal mode of transportation.

In addition, DOT should be prohibited from making funds available for MOCs because there are more effective uses of taxpayer money to address motorcycle safety. DOT should focus on programs to instruct motorcyclists on the importance of proper licensing, rider education, and motorcycle awareness campaigns. These efforts will do more to prevent motorcycle crashes than mandatory checkpoints to inspect helmets and tailpipes.

You may recall that H.R. 904 has more than 40 bipartisan cosponsors. Including this language in the conference report would be a victory for encouraging effective motorcycle safety efforts.

Thank you for your consideration.


US Representative James Sensenbrenner

If your State has already complied, GOOD JOB!

Respect to all,

National Lt.Commander US Defenders
Man I hope they don't start that checkpoint b.s. I already know I won't make it past the decibel meter at idle :hitsfan:
Man I hope they don't start that checkpoint b.s. I already know I won't make it past the decibel meter at idle :hitsfan:

Well with the untrained enforcers out there most of us more than likely will not and the problem will result in increased insurance costs points against licenses not to mention the possibility that in some states we could go to jail and or loose our riding privileges..Some states are already on board with the mind set that this MOC by the DOT is a waste of taxpayer monies but not every state is.
He wants to stop the checkpoints. He's one of the good guys.

He is working in conjuction with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation wishes on this matter. I dont really know much about the guy as far as politics go I only watch out for what affects me or my interests and side up with whom ever is also working in my best interests. Im not a Democrat OR Republican Im a political opportunist that doesnt want to get hassled every time I go for a ride because Im on a bike.
Checkpoints have already been deemed unconstitutional in Texas as a violation of the 4th amendment, except for 18 wheeler weigh stations, and Border patrol inspection points.
The typical DWI points are not allowed either.
Sometimes you will run across one run by maverick law enforcement, but I've seen one twice in my 49 years.

I went and looked and found that Checkpoints for the enforcement of criminal code are indeed prohibited in Texas, Checkpoints for the enforcement of administrative rule are ok. Which means they can do it for verification of license, insurance, registration, load permits etc. I also found that some counties are doing just that, but actually using them as DUI checks instead.
I think it ******** either way,
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In Connecticut, DUI checkpoints used to be set up anywhere police wanted to without notice. Some years ago it was deemed unconstitutional. Now in order for DUI checkpoints to be set up, the public must be given fair warning of the time and place it will be performed. Newspaper, internet,news et c. Believe it or not, they still nail a **** load of drunks who don't do their research prior :th_drink:
For once my senator is doing the right thing, good for her!
A while back, she did piss me off because she was pro SOPA.
Crap, this thread jinxed me! Yesterday, I got pulled over by a mc cop on Harley (never a good sign)! He stated that he followed me for 3 blocks and I was sharing lanes in an unsafe manner which it total bs because up until the last traffic light, for some odd reason, unusual of me but I was not even sharing/splitting lanes but at the last night the stop n go traffic got to me in Hollywood area so I slowly went thru in between lanes to the very front. Shortly after the light turned green and I accelerated an got in front of the car on my right but nothing crazy, mc cop came out of nowhere lights blazing, waving his arms angrily, etc.
I calmly told him how was I unsafely sharing lane when I wasn't even sharing lane up until the very last traffic light which was like 50 feet back from where we were. He couldn't say anything because we both knew that was his excuse to pull me over for the main reason:
Loud pipes! Since he said he didn't want to argue with me because he wasn't even going to cite me for the other offenses but just the pipes, I dropped it right away.

I know my pipes are stock and were professional debaffled at a custom shop back in AZ where I bought the bike but they are not that loud, especially compared to loud like a gun shot Harleys I see all over so y the hell I get a fix it ticket when they don't? :damn angry:

The bike was registered and have been in CA for the last 3 years yet I get dinged for this by an overzealous cop who probably wanted to have something to show for on his report.

Broke State, corrupt cops and double standards, welcome to CA! :bang head:

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