Those of you getting ~40mpg...

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Nope. For me it's a combination of high gears and small, steady throttle openings.
Carbs set up by Danny play a big part, too.
For me, a Venture final drive, and riding like a grandfather:biglaugh:
In this province, all high test gas is ethanol-free, but I never use it. Regular works just fine. I just add a dash of Seafoam, every third tank or so.
Any 87 octane gas with ethanol, though Shell is my favorite. Like Dave said, it's in the wrist and the tuning. I can burn it up fast too.
120kph and try to twist the grip too much and should be no prob.....get real good mileage if around 100-110....but thats no fun....just didnawrsome ride to kamloops bc and some parts over 40mpg and others ....well driving above 150 kinda dropped that number lol....well worth it
91 Octane Ethanol Free Fuel, 70 MPH and on the Highway I get 42 MPG with my 94...
ECU set to lowest setting, K&N Filter and Marks 4-2 Exhaust.
I pretty routinely got 40+ with a Venture drive and just stage 1/slip ons. Usually about 115-120 to the fuel light. Running it in v-boost range is where it really starts chugging fuel.

Ethanol free fuel is increasingly available around here now- a fair number of Stewart's have E0 premium. I've been running it when possible, though I can't say there's a sudden jump in mileage- E0 vs E10 is only about a 6% difference in energy content, and you engine only converts about a third of that energy into useable torque, so mileage changes would be in the low single digits- not something you're likely to casually notice.
Well after my lumber-of-love incident today, I filled up.
48.5 miles and 1.311 gallons.
I'm getting 37mpg.

1/4 of the way into my trip I remembered to turn VBoost off, just in case it opens at cruising HWY speeds.
Majority of my speed was 70-80.
I'll give it a shot around 60 next time.
37 seems to be right in the middle. I wouldn't worry about it too much (but I totally worry about mine, so I get it). You shouldn't be getting into the v-boost at normal cruising speeds. It really depends on how many stoplights you've got on the tank when you test the cruising mpg. I can get onto the highway with very little repeated low-gear acceleration, so that helps mine.
Stage 7 with Hindle 18" stealth - 45 mpg CAN or 37 mpg US or 6.3 litres/100km
I won't run ethanol crap in MAX ever.
Alcohol F$%*'s rubber parts including carb diaphram, O-rings etc.
It's like is said. You are what you eat.
I'm not feeding my Max crap!
Tree huggers take a back seat... I'm enjoying as much UMPH my max can give me.
Besides... if you've got the money to feed the Max-monkey... THEN FEED THE MAX-monkey... right?
With my Stage7 and too big main jets (DJ175) :
-44.4 MPG on free road
-39 MPG on Highway (average speed 80mph)
-28 MPG in town

Now with Morley's kit and Wideband tuned :
-33.2 MPG in town
Not yet tested Highway and free road.
Got to say though, impressive numbers on jetted Vmaxes. Some of you jetted guys are getting better mpg than my stock setup.
I get 36-38 mpg on average with Stock jetting and Supertrapp slip-ons.
I mostly ride on back country roads with a little bit of highway and town riding in the mix.
But I have also gotten as low as 25 mpg when hitting the Boost a bit too often.

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