I'm not sure whats worse. Finding out that you cat scratched up your vmax seat or your dog ate your couch and ottoman. I know I was pretty pissed about the couch.
dang dan-o, i've never seen you like this. maybe some of it's getting lost in the translation across keyboards, but i sense a bit of passion behind your post. awesome! kudos, younk:
i am absolutly against torture and abuse against animals.
well last night i was absolutely furious with my male cat. i had my pooter on its side with the cover off and the main boot drive out of its bay. the cat for whatever reason needed attention like it had never needed before and jumped on the pooter while i was surfing and knocked the drive off of the box totally bringing down the machine. The machine won't boot the OS now cuz the BIOS can't detect the drive--something like a blown sector or something--didn't pay much attention cause i couldn't see pass the rage in my eyes. IT WAS BRAND NEW, too! ARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH! :damn angry: The cat must have known that I was absolutely livid with him, 'cause all night long, he rubbed up on me and (he's never done this.....ever) meowed up at me with kind of a questioning meow, not his typical "where are you" meow, or his "i want food" meow, but dare I say a "I'm sorry" or "What's wrong" meow...it was surprising. this morning i woke up with the cat curled up next to me--he's never done that either. i gave him a forgiving belly rub.
yep. and his "sis" is spayed. we rescued them from the local humane society.Has he been nuetered ?
yep. and his "sis" is spayed. we rescued them from the local humane society.
In that case we agree and it's all good.unk:
Sure hope they get this little bastard!!
man that story makes me sick to my stomach and ashamed that there are folks like this representing the human race.
really? **** me. wait 'til dan-o sees this. that'll get his blood hotter than his morning coffee
there's some follow up videos at the end on the bottom you can click on fyi..