Here's our plans in case anyone is looking for someone to ride out with.
We are heading from Springville NY on Wednesday at noon. Gonna stop in Oil City PA for the night - I know it's not too far, but Oil City is a cool little town, with a couple really friendly saloons... Gonna head to Thunder Thursday morning early, riding through Punxy, and we are staying in Jennerstown (Rte 30) at a place called The Laurel Manor motel.
We will be hanging out at Days Inn in Somerset, and at Jim & Jimmie's bar on the Johnstown pike. We decided that a short ride to Laurel Manor at midnight is better than a longer ride to Somerset, especially at night..
Boy's week out trip. Wives and girlfriends staying home! Weather determines which bike I ride out.. I would like to ride the Max to let you all check out the paint and pipes, but we will see about that.
Leave me a message if you're interested in riding out with us, and I'll give you the details, etc.
Ride safe, see you all there!