In 2013, my previous trip to Thunder, I didn't get a chance to meet any of our fellow Vmax riding Japanese members. I don't think any were in attendance.
"Jap guys"? Seriously?
Nope not on the cancelations I might see if he can make it. I have watched him piss a lot of Jap guys off. I am neutral I like both but its funny watching people talk smack getting there ass busted.
They are out there---he sayおそらくいくつかの日本のメンバーがどこかにそこにありますか?
They are out there---he say
Perhaps Japan some members are out there somewhere?:rofl_200:
I' ve got my room too. Hey Kyle I missed you this year in florida. wrong year to move up north. I wish some of you guys could make it down to Daytona for bikeweek. It's been a great winter.
Vmaxs like what @0:18
Anyone see themselves in this vid from last year?