Thunder In The Valley 2011 -- Role Call?

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LOL, I'm sure I'll have plenty of go take it for a spin offers. It's not that big a deal either way. Sounds like I have the accommodations taken care of anyway!

I just got back from our Spring IceBreaker ride here in Ontario. Looks like we'll have a good size crew coming down for Thunder! I really like the itinerary put together - thanks to those that are organizing it :punk:

Dale #2592
I just got back from our Spring IceBreaker ride here in Ontario. Looks like we'll have a good size crew coming down for Thunder! I really like the itinerary put together - thanks to those that are organizing it :punk:

Dale #2592

Hi Dale,

We put together a small group of members to organize the weekend festivities. I think we did a pretty good job on this. The Friday night cookout at the Days Inn should be fun and the banquet should be really nice with good food and a reasonable price too!

How many do you think are coming down this year from Canada?
Hi Dale,

We put together a small group of members to organize the weekend festivities. I think we did a pretty good job on this. The Friday night cookout at the Days Inn should be fun and the banquet should be really nice with good food and a reasonable price too!

How many do you think are coming down this year from Canada?

From Ontario a quick count: 8 so far. :punk: Jim Rodgers would know exactly.

Dale #2592
I'll be Riding in from just outside Buffalo, NY.
I look forward to meeting everyone.
I'll be Riding in from just outside Buffalo, NY.
I look forward to metting everyone.

When are you leaving?? There is a group of 9 or 10 of us from Ontario that will be crossing the border in Niagara Falls to head down on Wednesday. We are going to head to Pauxetawny (forgive the spelling if wrong), PA that night and then on into Johnstown Thursday morning. I am sure we can make room for you if you want to hook up and ride down with us. Let me know and I will get you into the loop on our specific plans etc.
When are you leaving?? There is a group of 9 or 10 of us from Ontario that will be crossing the border in Niagara Falls to head down on Wednesday. We are going to head to Pauxetawny (forgive the spelling if wrong), PA that night and then on into Johnstown Thursday morning. I am sure we can make room for you if you want to hook up and ride down with us. Let me know and I will get you into the loop on our specific plans etc.

I'm open to leave Thursday or Friday I wasn't completely decided when I wanted to leave.
I Very well may be able to swing Wednesday though.
I replied to your PM with more specific Info about my Planned Route and Location.
If you can swing Wednesday we are passing right by you. Send me a contact number via PM if you can make it and I will give you a call to set up meeting us. Also can call you should there be any delays etc. Looking forward to meeting up!
Phone Numbers Sent via PM.
Hopefully I can work out leaving on Wednesday.

I couldn't agree more.
I'm getting even more excited about the ride down now !
You just have to Love riding in a Good sized group of Vmaxes !
Jim, why not just ride the other hour and a half from punxy on down here to johnstown instead of staying overnight there? Its not that much further...
Evening ride TBD
Meet & Greet

8am ? leave for breakfast
9am ? breakfast ? Our Coal Miners Cafe
1640 Lincoln Hwy, Jennerstown, PA 15547
Option A - 10am ? ride to AJ?s for dyno runs
Option B - 10am ? Flight 93 & if time permits Falling Water House
($8 exterior tour only) Leader: Trevor Fisher
11am ? dyno @ AJ Racing 2623 Pennington Rd, Tyrone, PA 16686 (814)632-7502
1pm ? lunch ? Free for all
2pm - 4pm ? ride Gravity Hill New Paris, PA
(Trevor Fisher)
2pm - 6pm - Scenic Run
(Mike Heller)
2pm - 4pm ? tech session @ hotel
5pm - 6:30pm ? speed run ? TBD NOTE: Ride at your own risk!
7pm ? BBQ @ Somerset Days Inn Hotel ($10 per person buffet) (VMOA store open)

8am ? leave for breakfast

9am ? breakfast ? Corner Coffee Shop 850 Scalp Ave, Johnstown, PA (814)266-6050
10am ? 11am ? Line-up staging for parade -
Big Dogz Sports Bar 1750 Bedford St. Johnstown, PA 15902
11am ? leave for parade
12pm ? parade (Downtown event)
1pm ? lunch - Free for all
2pm - 4pm ? Johnstown festivities
6pm - 8pm ? VMOA Banquet -
Oakhurst Tea Room $20 per person at door
2409 Glades Pike (Rte. 31), Somerset, PA 15501 (814)443-2897
(giveaways drawing, 50/50 raffle drawing, VMOA store open)
Cash bar available on premises

9pm - ?? ? festivities @ hotel (VMOA store open)

9am ? breakfast ? location TBD
Jim, why not just ride the other hour and a half from punxy on down here to johnstown instead of staying overnight there? Its not that much further...

After 6-1/2hrs on the road, that extra 1-1/2hrs seems like 10. I did this Punxy stop last year and it's great to arrive to the Johnstown area ready to ride plus it gives us more time to explore the back roads on route, half the fun is getting there. JMO

p.s. love your avatar!

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