Totally unbelievable!!

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others.'s "A Matter of Dignity".......well why the hell didn't he say so before!

Looking at this from the opposite side of the is this going to help trans-gender kids gain dignity? Because obama has 'waved the presidential wand' and they can now use the bathroom of their choice, they will magically be able to do so with dignity? Like the other users of that bathroom won't be slightly uncomfortable with this monumental change?

What does this fool think with....or do random thoughts just fly thru his head and he turns them into federal rules....or suggestions or 'advice' or whatever..........:confused2:

Oops....put the wrong link up.'s "A Matter of Dignity".......well why the hell didn't he say so before!

Looking at this from the opposite side of the is this going to help trans-gender kids gain dignity? Because obama has 'waved the presidential wand' and they can now use the bathroom of their choice, they will magically be able to do so with dignity? Like the other users of that bathroom won't be slightly uncomfortable with this monumental change?

What does this fool think with....or do random thoughts just fly thru his head and he turns them into federal rules....or suggestions or 'advice' or whatever..........:confused2:

He is a salesman, his promotional packaging includes buzzwords like "dignity" and "fairness" to help it go down easier. It only sounds absurd if your a thinking adult but idiots eat this **** up.
TRUMP isn't perfect by far but he is surrounding his self with good people. Anything is better than Hillary...MY Opinion
TRUMP isn't perfect by far but he is surrounding his self with good people. Anything is better than Hillary...MY Opinion

My opinion too!! :punk:

EDIT: Did ******** Billy get impeached or 'almost impeached?' I see she's selling him as the 'best qualified' for some big paying job or other.............:confused2:
LOL...the next you know, someone on here is gonna start saying Root Soup? :rofl_200:

Anyone But Clinton....

Bwahahaha! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

Brother Brians fits pretty good too!

But fer sure ABC. They said on the news tonight The Donald is only 3 poll points behind her and the good Colonel Sanders is breathing his hot socialist breath down her back....I betcha life around ol' hildarod is getting pretty ****** ugly right about now.

Hang in there hillarious, it's gonna get much, much worse!! :punk: